Contrary to popular belief, not all sex offenders that target children are pedophiles, and not all pedophiles are offenders of sexual delicts. Pedophilia is a sexual disorder that is, until the last few years more and more the focus of experts, which contributed to more intensive research. In the identification of causes of pedophilia lately discusses specific changes in the brain in these individuals. United States, as the country with the highest number of sexual offenses committed against children, large funds are invested in order to find the cause of pedophilia, as well as treatments. In line with the efforts that have been invested to obtain such results, this paper focuses on the integration of all existing information about pedophilia, which starts up, unfortunately, in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina to be all actual. The paper next to the definition of pedophilia, classification and categorization of pedophiles, their features, will be presented the latest results of research on the causes of this appearance, as well as the preparatory activities of pedophiles, signs pointing to child sexual abuse and prevention measures that you should be familiar with both children and parents.

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