Reason(s) for writing and research problem(s): Environmental crime represents a contemporary form of endangerment of our security. Repercussions of an environmental crime can be irreversible for Earth`s biosphere.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The role of this paper is to assess knowledge of students studying safety management about their understanding of environmental crimes. This will be done through an analysis of safety management curriculum.
Methodology/Design: In this research, we analyzed views of students in their freshmen and senior year of undergraduate study of a Safety Management program. During this research students answered questions about the environment, endangerment of it, as well as environmental crime.
Research/paper limitations: This research was done at University of Belgrade – Faculty of Security, among freshmen and senior students.
Results/Findings: Both groups of students had similar views towards environment however, the group of senior students showed more proactive behavior and readiness to act against environmental crime.
General conclusion: Obtained results can be used as a foundation for an identification of new investigative questions that will address relationship between education and environmental crime.
Research/paper validity: One of the more effective ways in which contemporary society can combat environmental crime is an appropriate professional response. This can be done with education, in with education of students who are directly responsible in fight against environmental crime – Safety Managers.
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