Kriminalističke teme 2023-12-26T18:10:57+00:00 Prof. dr. sc. Marija Lučić-Ćatić Open Journal Systems <p> „Kriminalističke teme – časopis za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije“ osnovan je 1998. godine. U početku koncipiran kao časopis za poglavito kriminalističku teoriju i praksu, imao je za cilj praćenje i predstavljanje modernih kriminalističkih spoznaja i dostignuća. Istovremeno, to je predstavljalo mogućnost i prostor za ostvarivanje šire komunikacije i saradnje u domaćoj i međunarodnoj stručnoj i naučnoj javnosti. Nakon kratkoga prekida u izdavanju, nešto izmijenjenog koncepcijskog rješenja javlja se 2002. godine. Časopis se tada, pored kriminalistike, počeo intenzivnije baviti i područjima kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija, te se na taj način tematski i uređivački usaglasio sa funkcijom i misijom izdavača, Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije. Naučna i društvena opravdanost za pokretanje časopisa je imperativ vremena, budući da je po temama i koncepcijom jedinstven u Bosni i Hercegovini.</p> <p>Časopis svojim sadržajem smjera promoviranju kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija kao specifičnih naučnih područja, te doprinosu ukupnom naučnom, kulturnom i društveno-ekonomskom razvoju Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i promociji demokratskog, građanskog društva, postizanju najviših standarda nastave i naučnoistraživačkog i stručnog rada.</p> <p>Časopis objavljuje do sada neobjavljene naučne i stručne radove, prikaze i prijevode iz područja kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija.</p> Witness Oath in Criminal Proceedings 2023-12-26T17:45:23+00:00 Svjetlana Dragović <p>The form and content of procedural actions in criminal proceedings is prescribed by law. The law obliges all procedural subjects to undertake procedural actions as prescribed. Any deviation from the prescribed results in an irregular procedural action, the consequences of which depend on the degree and significance of the irregularity for the criminal procedure. In order to prevent improper procedural actions, the law provides certain preventive measures. One of them is witness oath.</p> <p>The witness oath exists the same amount of time as witnesses. Its purpose has always been the same, to contribute to the credibility of the witnesses testimony. However, the character of the oath, and therefore its text, as well as the way of taking it, i.e. the consequences of the witness's refusal to take the oath have changed and today differ from country to country. In the papear, the author will describe the oath, its concept, significance and method of takig the oath in criminal proceedings, with special reference to the oath in the criminal proceedings of Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Svjetlana Dragović Prosecution of Environmental Crime in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the Period 2018–2020 2023-12-26T17:51:59+00:00 Nermin Kadribašić <p>The paper analyzes issues related to the criminal prosecution of perpetrators of crimes against the environment, especially from the aspect of criminal legislation and the practice itself in the prosecution of these crimes against the environment in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Bearing in mind that in criminal offenses against the environment, as a rule, there is no immediate victim, and that this type of criminality can remain unnoticed for a long period of time before any possible damage becomes visible, in this paper, the review of official statistical data offers an overview related to the processing of these of criminal offenses in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina for the selected three-year period from 2018 to 2020. Although the majority of criminal legislation in the countries of the former Yugoslavia, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, sets a high level of environmental protection, the analysis of official statistical data cannot conclude that the detection and prosecution of this type of criminal offense has a sufficient prioritization in Radujoš. both with administrative bodies and with criminal prosecution bodies, regardless of the developed capacities about the dangers and serious consequences of this type of criminality. In this regard, in addition to the practice of prosecuting criminal offenses against the environment in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, the paper also offers a set of recommendations for decision makers on systemic steps for adequate environmental protection.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nermin Kadribašić Forensic Sciences and Ethics in the Era of Application of Artificial Intelligence 2023-12-26T18:01:47+00:00 Sanela D Andrić Aleksandar B Ivanović <p>Forensic sciences are an indispensable segment of criminal investigations. Forensics, as a dynamic science that is constantly developing, follows the development of modern scientific trends. The application of artificial intelligence has not bypassed forensic science, which by definition discovers modern scientific methods, adapts them and applies them with the aim of discovering and interpreting (expert) material traces from the scene of a crime. With the initial optimism of the application of artificial intelligence, especially in the development and application of information technologies in forensic databases, comes (un)justified caution. If artificial intelligence were to take over the simulation of shell, cognitive thinking and decision-making more and more over time, the question of ethical responsibility arises. This raises a number of questions, one of the most important of which is who is responsible in the event of an error in the analysis. Furthermore, if artificial intelligence also takes over the interpretations of forensic analyses, who in that case bears the responsibility for a possible complaint about the end result - the opinion.</p> <p>Our paper will deal with the mentioned problems, emphasizing that the European Union, through the ENFSI network, was the first to react in the direction of studying the application of artificial intelligence in forensic sciences, with the strategic document ENFSI - Vision of the European Forensic Science Area 2030 „Improving the reliability and validity of forensic science and encouraging implementation of new technologies“, the most important parts of which will be presented in the paper.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Sanela D Andrić, Aleksandar B Ivanović Management and Reporting of Occurrences in the Safety of Air Navigation in Bosnia and Herzegovina 2023-12-26T18:08:04+00:00 Marija Prskalo <p>Air traffic is a branch of transportation that rapidly began to develop in the 20th century and, due to its specificity, pays great attention to safety. The increase in the number of flights causes an increase in the complexity of air traffic, as well as constraints arising from human actions and organizational processes. Air traffic continues to grow, leading to an increase in the number of potential hazards that can compromise its safety. Safety is an integral part of aviation and denotes a state in which occurrences and risks associated with aviation activities are reduced and controlled to an acceptable level. Management and reporting of occurrences in the safety of air navigation in Bosnia and Herzegovina are an integral part of the safety management system, which represents a systematic and explicit approach to defining activities with the aim of achieving an acceptable or tolerable level of safety.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Marija Prskalo Irregular Migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Detention, Readmission and Return 2023-12-26T17:26:20+00:00 Mirsad Buzar <p>Since early 2018, Bosnia and Herzegovina has been facing an increased influx of migrants who enter the country illegally, call for international protection, but do not want to stay in Bosnia and Herzegovina because the highly developed countries of the European Union are their final destination. Irregular migrations faced by the member states of the European Union as well as the countries of the Western Balkans had many political, social, cultural and security implications. The European Union, determined to stop irregular migration, adopted a series of strategic documents, including the Action Plan for the Western Balkans, where one of the key elements of that plan is the return of irregular migrants to their countries of origin. However, the question arises to what extent Bosnia and Herzegovina has built its strategic, legal and institutional framework that would enable the efficient removal of irregular migrants from its territory. The aim of this paper is to review the approach to the detention of irregular migrants and its importance in these processes, as well as the importance of the readmission and return of irregular migrants in the comprehensive migration management process. The paper will analyse the data on the measures taken against irregular migrants in Bosnia and Herzegovina presented through the decisions on expulsion and detention, make a presentation of concluded agreements on readmission with other countries, and analyse data on the activities undertaken on the implementation of agreements on the readmission and removal of irregular migrants from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Mirsad Buzar Analysis of Components of Success of Close Protection Team Members in Public and Private Security 2023-12-26T17:30:26+00:00 Zlatko Moratić <p>The aim of this paper is to present an analysis importance of the components of the success of the members of the teams for the close protection of VIP persons in public and private security. For the purposes of this work, an expert analysis was carried out, in which 24 experts from the field of close protection from the region and Europe participated who were the members of the team for close protection of VIP persons for at least 5 years, working in all positions. Evaluated &nbsp;are the necessary components of the team's success for the close protection of VIP persons working at a medium threat level in accordance with the model mostly used in the region and Europe. The mentioned model includes a minimum of two vehicles during the security transport of VIP persons by motor vehicles and an average number of agents. The results of this research, after analyzing special anthropological characteristics, indicate that there are statistically significant differences in the value of certain factors. The results of this research are of crucial importance for the planning and implementation of specialist training as well as the formation of teams that work at an intermediate level of threat, taking into account the individualities and characteristics of the members of the mentioned team.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Zlatko Moratić Training and Equipment for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s Protection and Rescue System in Situations Involving CBRN Materials 2023-12-26T17:35:04+00:00 Kenan Hodžić Ognjen Jevđenić <p>Radiation and nuclear security and safety represent regulated and controlled area. First of all, because of the common importance for humanity. Bosnia and Herzegovina has an established legal, i.e. institutional framework, but due to the decentralized complex system, it is unclear whether CBRN teams have been formed, what tasks and roles they perform and whether the procedure is uniform. In this research, the main focus is on the analysis of the complexity of the system, and the role of the State Regulatory Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety as a central authority and the Federal Administration of Civil Protection as a lower entity body in training and equipping teams for incident situations related to CBRN materials. The research is of empirical character and qualitative design. With this research we will show the level of equipment of the institutions of Bosnia and Herzegovina including measures and activities that are undertaken to prevent events and incidents in the broadest view, which will indicate recommendations for improving the preparedness and performance of institutions in preventing extraordinary events and incident situations.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Kenan Hodžić, Ognjen Jevđenić Kaznena djela primanja i davanja mita u pravu Republike Hrvatske 2023-12-26T17:39:37+00:00 Damir Juras Dijana Gracin Hrvoje Filipović <p>No translation available.</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Damir Juras, Dijana Gracin, Hrvoje Filipović Riječ urednice 2023-12-26T17:20:25+00:00 Marija Lučić-Ćatić <p>Poštovane čitateljice i čitatelji,</p> <p>osobito mi je zadovoljstvo predstaviti drugi dvobroj časopisa „Kriminalističke teme“ za 2023. godinu, koji sadrži osam iznimno interesantnih znanstvenih i stručnih radova iz domena kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija.</p> <p>Ovaj dvobroj započinje prethodnim znanstvenim saopćenjem <em>„Irregular migrations in Bosnia and Herzegovina: detention, readmission and return“</em> autora dr. sc. Mirze Buzara, uposlenika Službe za poslove sa strancima u kojem se teži sagledavanju pristupa pritvaranju imigranata, važnosti ovog procesa, kao i važnosti readmisije i povratka imigranata u okviru sveobuhvatnog procesa upravljanja migracijama.</p> <p>Naredni rad predstavlja pregledni znanstveni rad autora dr. sc. Zlatka Moratića <em>„Analiza komponenti uspješnosti pripadnika timova za blisku zaštitu u javnoj i privatnoj sigurnosti“</em>. U navedenom radu autor vrši analize važnosti komponenti uspješnosti pripadnika timova za blisku zaštitu VIP ličnosti u javnoj i privatnoj sigurnosti, a čiji rezultati su od krucijalne važnosti za planiranje i provođenje specijalističke obuke kao i formiranje timova koji rade na srednjem nivou prijetnje imajući u vidu osobine i karakteristike članova spomenutog tima.</p> <p>Potom slijedi pregledni znanstveni rad „<em>Obučenost i opremljenost sistema zaštite i spašavanja Bosne i Hercegovine u situacijama vezanim za HBRN materijale“ </em>koautora Kenana Hodžića, višeg asistenta i doktoranda na Fakultetu za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu i Ognjena Jevđenića, uposlenika Federalnog ministarstva unutarnjih poslova - Federalne uprave policije. U ovom radu koautorski tim prikazuje stupanj opremljenosti institucija Bosne i Hercegovine, odnosno mjere i aktivnosti koje se poduzimaju kako bi se spriječili događaji i incidenti u najširem promatranju, te ukazuju na preporuke za kvalitetniju opremljenost i poboljšanje djelovanja institucija u sprečavanju vanrednih događaja i incidentnih situacija.</p> <p>Dvobroj obuhvata i pregledni znanstveni &nbsp;rad&nbsp; dr. sc. Damira Jurasa iz Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske, Službe disciplinskog sudovanja, doc. dr. sc. Dijane Gracin sa Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Vojni studijski programi i dr. sc. Hrvoja Filipovića iz Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Republike Hrvatske i Veleučilišta kriminalistike i javne sigurnosti pod naslovom <em>„Kaznena djela primanja i davanja mita u pravu Republike Hrvatske“. </em>U radu su prikazani rezultati provedenog teorijskog, normativnog i empirijskog istraživanja koruptivnih kaznenih djela primanja i davanja mita, a poseban doprinos predstavlja analiza recentne sudske prakse. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata empirijskih istraživanja autori zaključuju da je sudska politika kažnjavanja u Hrvatskoj blaga, te predlažu nova rješenja <em>de lege ferenda</em> počevši od sudske kaznene politike, pa sve do propisivanja kvalificiranih oblika kaznenog djela primanja i davanja mita.</p> <p>Nadalje, dvobroj nudi stručni članak autorice Svjetlane Dragović, profesorice kaznenog&nbsp; prava i kazneno-procesnog&nbsp; prava u Srednjoj školi unutrašnjih poslova Banja Luka, Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova Republike Srpske pod naslovom <em>„Zakletva svjedoka u kaznenom postupku“ </em>u kojem autorica predstavlja zakletvu, njen pojam, značaj i način polaganja u kaznenom postupku, sa posebnim osvrtom na zakletvu u kaznenom postupku Bosne i Hercegovine.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Naredni rad <em>„Procesuiranje ekološkog kriminaliteta u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine za period 2018. – </em></p> <ol start="2020"> <li class="show"><em> godine“</em> Nermina Kadribašića, magistra kriminalistike i doktoranda na Fakultetu za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Univerziteta u Sarajevu u kojem autor analizira pitanja koja se odnose na kazneni progon počinitelja kaznenih djela protiv okoliša, posebno sa aspekta kaznenog zakonodavstva i same prakse u procesuiranju ovih djela u Federaciji Bosne i Hercegovine te nudi set preporuka za donosioce odluka o sustavnim koracima za adekvatnu zaštitu okoliša.</li> </ol> <p>Dvobroj potom donosi rad <em>„Forenzičke nauke i etika u eri primjene vještačke inteligencije“ </em>koautorskog tima Sanele D. Andrić sa Kriminalističko-policijskog univerziteta u Beogradu i Aleksandra B. Ivanovića iz Uprave policije Crne Gore u kojem se vrši promišljanje problema etičke odgovornosti kod primjene vještačke inteligencije u forenzičkim naukama.</p> <p>U konačnici, dvobroj nudi stručni članak autora Marija Prskala, uposlenika Agencije za pružanje usluga u zračnoj plovidbi Bosne i Hercegovine pod naslovom <em>„Upravljanje i izvješćivanje o događajima u sigurnosti zračne plovidbe Bosne i Hercegovine“</em>. U navedenom radu autor pruža pregled procesa upravljanja i izvješćivanja o događajima u sigurnosti zračne plovidbe Bosne i Hercegovine unutar organizacije BHANSA koja je pod nadzorom državne regulatorne agencije BHDCA.</p> <p>I ovom prigodom, također, želim zahvaliti svim autoricama i autorima, te koautoricama i koautorima na dostavljenim radovima, recenzenticama i recenzentima, te članicama i članovima Redakcije koji su svojim sugestijama i prijedlozima unaprijedili kvalitetu i omogućili publiciranje još jednog izdanja časopisa „Kriminalističke teme“. Nadam se da će čitateljice i čitatelji i u ovom broju pronaći interesantne i upotrebljive sadržaje.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>Glavna i odgovorna urednica</p> <p>Prof. dr. Marija Lučić-Ćatić</p> 2023-12-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Marija Lučić-Ćatić