Kriminalističke teme <p> „Kriminalističke teme – časopis za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije“ was founded in 1998. Initially conceived as a journal for primarily criminalistics theory and practice, it aimed to monitor and present modern criminalistics insights and achievements. At the same time, it represented an opportunity and space for achieving broader communication and cooperation in the domestic and international professional and scientific public. After a short interruption in publishing, a somewhat changed conceptual solution appeared in 2002. At that time, in addition to criminalistics, the journal began to deal more intensively with the fields of criminology and security studies, and in this way it was thematically and editorially aligned with the function and mission of the publisher, the Faculty of Criminalistics, Criminology and Security Studies. The scientific and social justification for launching the journal is an imperative of the times, since it is unique in Bosnia and Herzegovina in terms of its topics and concept.</p> <p>The journal aims to promote criminalistics, criminology and security studies as specific scientific fields, and to contribute to the overall scientific, cultural and socio-economic development of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as to promote a democratic, civil society, and to achieve the highest standards of teaching and scientific research and professional work.</p> <p>The journal publishes previously unpublished scientific and professional works, reviews and translations in the field of criminalistics, criminology and security studies.</p> <p>The journal is published in print (ISSN 1512-5505) and electronic (ISSN 2637-269X) format biannualy.</p> <p>The print copy of our journal is available for obtaining at the University of Sarajevo - Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security Studies, Zmaja od Bosne 8, 71 000 Sarajevo. For more information, please contact the editorial office of the journal at <a rel="noopener"></a>.</p> en-US (Prof. dr. sc. Marija Lučić-Ćatić) (Adnan Fazlić, MA) Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Genocid <p>Zločin nad zločinima, kako se često referira na zločin genocida, kao najteži oblik zločina poznat čovjeku, česta je tema rasprava u međunarodnim krugovima (naučnim, političkim, diplomatskim) i to, mahom najviše, strana koje imaju neki subjektivni odnos ili vezu sa stranom koja je formalno ili neformalno optužena ili okrivljena za navedeni zločin. Rasprave se bave tumačenjem materijalne strane, odnosno bića krivičnog djela genocida, ali i procesnom stranom u odnosu na stvarne događaje koji imaju karakter genocida i koji su imali svoj sudski epilog, bilo na međunarodnim ili sudovima pojedinih država.</p> <p>U procesnom smislu, obzirom da je postupak suđenja javan, argumentacija završava na špekulacijama i pokušajima diskreditacije međunarodnih sudova u političkom smislu i neargumentovanim tvrdnjama da genocid nije dokazan, uprkos pravosnažnim sudskim presudama i enormnoj dokaznoj građi koja je potpuno dostupna široj javnosti.</p> <p>Sa materijalnog aspekta, rasprave se kreću u smjeru elemenata bića krivičnog djela genocida, kroz prizmu pojedinog slučaja, a u cilju isključenja jednog ili više elemenata kako bi se dokazalo nepostojanje, ili barem dovelo u pitanje postojanje, krivičnog djela genocida. Namjera, kao jedan od dva elementa umišljaja, (drugi jeste svijest) koji je bitan element bića krivičnog djela genocida, jeste predmetom ovakvih rasprava.</p> <p>Pojedine rasprave sadrže brojne navode koji zaslužuju osvrt, ali usljed ograničenosti prostora te imajući u vidu prirodu i svrhu ovog rada, nismo u mogućnosti adresirati se svim njima.</p> <p>Bez želje da ukazujemo na eventualnu tendencioznost ovakvih rasprava, obzirom da uključuju genocid izvršen u Bosni i Hercegovini tokom oružanog sukoba 1992-1995, ovim radom ćemo analizirati dvije zanimljive tvrdnje, prvu - da je namjera presudan element za postojanje krivičnog djela – zločina genocida, te drugu – da za dokazivanje genocida nije dovoljno da su žrtve pripadnici jedne određene grupe, sa posebnim akcentom na kontekst krivičnog zakonodavstva Srbije i međunarodnog prava.</p> Sadmir Teskredžić Copyright (c) 2024 Sadmir Teskredžić Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Prikaz knjige „Bosna i Hercegovina – 30 godina od sticanja nezavisnosti“ autora akademika Mirka Pejanovića, UMHIS, 2023. <p>No abstract available.</p> Lada Sadiković Copyright (c) 2024 Lada Sadiković Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Riječ urednice <p>Poštovane čitateljice i čitatelji,</p> <p>osobito mi je zadovoljstvo predstaviti drugi dvobroj&nbsp; „Kriminalističke teme“ za 2024. godinu, koji sadrži pet iznimno interesantnih znanstvenih i stručnih radova iz domena kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija te jedan prikaz knjige.</p> <p>Ovaj dvobroj započinje izvornim znanstvenim radom&nbsp;<em>„Socijalno neprihvatljiva ponašanja iz perspektive mračne trijade“</em> koautorica Dijane Sulejmanović&nbsp; i Ajle Bajrić sa Univerziteta u Bihaću. U radu su prezentirani rezultati istraživanja koje je provedeno sa ciljem ispitivanja odnosa crta ličnosti tzv. Mračne trijade i socijalno neprihvatljivih ponašanja na prigodnom uzorku. Rezultati navedenog istraživanja pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna povezanost između crta mračne trijade i socijalno neprihvatljivih ponašanja te da su muškarci skloniji ispoljavanju socijalno patoloških ponašanja u odnosu na žene.</p> <p>Dvobroj potom donosi izvorni znanstveni rad&nbsp; <em>„Sexual harassment at universities in North Macedonia: victimization, strain, and negative emotions“</em> koautora Angeline Stanojoska, Ivone Shushak Lozanovska i Icea Ilijevskog,&nbsp; profesora na Pravnom fakultetu Univerziteta „Sv. Kliment Ohridski iz Bitole. Koautorski tim u navedenom radu prezentira rezultate istraživanja o učestalosti seksualnog uznemiravanja, znanju studenata o tome što je seksualno uznemiravanje te o njihovoj osposobljenosti da isto prepoznaju.</p> <p>Naredni rad predstavlja pregledni znanstveni rad <em>„Uticaj društveno-političkih kriza na otpornost kritičnih subjekata - studija slučaja Bosna i Hercegovina” </em>autora Edina Garaplije, predsjednika znanstvenog savjeta INZA Group u kojem autor vrši analizu određenja i ustroja oblasti zaštite kritičnih subjekata i infrastruktura kroz prizmu složenog društveno-političkog uređenja Bosne i Hercegovine.</p> <p>Potom slijedi pregledni znanstveni rad Adnana Fazlića, docenta, Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije i Irme Deljkić, redovite profesorice, Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije pod naslovom <em>„Izgubljeni u prijevodu: rizici u postupku ispitivanja osumnjičenih i saslušanja svjedoka posredstvom tumača“. </em>U ovom radu koautorski tim daje pregled ključnih zaključaka prethodnih znanstvenih istraživanja, s fokusom na kriminalističko-taktičke i psihološke aspekte ispitivanja osumnjičenih osoba ili saslušanja svjedoka posredstvom tumača. U radu su, također, postavljena pitanja za buduća znanstvena istraživanja i date preporuke za angažman tumača u kriminalističkim istragama.</p> <p>Naredni rad <em>„Genocid: umišljaj i žrtva“</em> predstavlja stručni rad autora Sadmira Teskeredžića u kojem autor analizira dvije zanimljive tvrdnje, prvu - da je namjera presudan element za postojanje kaznenog djela – zločina genocida, te drugu – da za dokazivanje genocida nije dovoljno da su žrtve pripadnici jedne određene grupe, sa posebnim akcentom na kontekst kaznenog zakonodavstva Srbije i međunarodnog prava.</p> <p>U konačnici dvobroj nudi prikaz knjige <em>„Bosna i Hercegovina – 30 godina od sticanja nezavisnosti“</em> autora akademika Mirka Pejanovića koji je priredila redovita profesorica Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije Lada Sadiković.</p> <p>I ovom prigodom želim izraziti zahvalnost svim autoricama i autorima te koautoricama i koautorima na dostavljenim radovima, recenzenticama i recenzentima te članicama i članovima Redakcije koji su svojim sugestijama i prijedlozima unaprijedili kvalitetu i omogućili publiciranje još jednog izdanja časopisa „Kriminalističke teme“. Nadam se da će čitateljice i čitatelji i u ovom broju pronaći interesantne i upotrebljive sadržaje.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Glavna i odgovorna urednica</p> <p>Prof. dr. Marija Lučić-Ćatić</p> Marija Lučić-Ćatić Copyright (c) 2024 Marija Lučić-Ćatić Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 The Impact of Socio-Political Crises on the Resilience of Critical Actors - A Case Study of “Bosnia and Herzegovina” <p>Bosnia and Herzegovina is a country rich in natural resources and geo-strategically positioned in the heartland of the Balkans, which through its turbulent and inspiring history was the desired goal of various conquering empires. From the ancient Romans, through the Ottomans, Austro-Hungarians, Germans and all the way to the closest neighbours. On that difficult path of building a thousand-year statehood, it was affected by various socio-political crises that left a mark and, as a rule, slowed down its economic growth and self-sustainability of both the socio-political system and the general state of security of its critical subjects and infrastructures. In its different stages of statehood and statehood, Bosnia and Herzegovina faced different types of threats, from passive to active resistance, from frequent riots to open wars and opposition to invaders and usurpers of its territory and its wealth. Looking at our history, we learn from our ancestors, preparing based on their experience for the modern challenges of today. It is of great importance for scientists, researchers and practitioners to apply analytical - synthetic and general - social methods of data collection, in order to properly set themselves according to the definition of research problems and objectives, and to determine the methodology that will lead to effective and applicable solutions satisfying social and scientific objectives. Analysing the problem of determining and organizing the area of protection of critical subjects and infrastructures, we cannot help but notice one of the biggest threats to the vital lifeblood of the Bosnian society, namely its complex socio-political organization and the influence it generates as such on all segments of sustainability and security. This work contributes to the development and strengthening of the preventive security awareness of all those who in the future will deal with strengthening the capacity to protect critical entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> Edin Garaplija Copyright (c) 2024 Edin Garaplija Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Lost in Translation: The Risks of Interpreting in Suspect Interrogation and Witness Interviewing Procedures <p>Suspect and witness statements are crucial in criminal cases; thus, particular attention is paid to their reliability and credibility. Statements are usually obtained through suspect interrogation and eyewitness interviewing, involving direct communication between investigators and witnesses or suspects. When the suspect or witness does not speak the language in which the interrogation or interview is conducted, the conversation depends on the interpreter’s engagement. An inaccurate interpretation can increase the risk that the suspect or witness statement may be misunderstood, which directly impacts the reliability and credibility of the evidence obtained. Furthermore, an interpreter can alter conversation dynamics and the relationship between the investigator and suspect or witness. With the growing need for interpreters to engage in the process of obtaining statements from suspects or witnesses, recent research aims to understand the associated risks. This paper reviews key findings from previous research, focusing on the investigative and psychological aspects of questioning suspects and interviewing witnesses through interpreters. The findings were analysed using the Principles of Effective Interviewing ("Méndez Principles"). Additionally, the paper poses questions for future scientific research and presents recommendations for the engagement of interpreters in criminal investigations.</p> Adnan Fazlić, Irma Deljkić Copyright (c) 2024 Adnan Fazlić, Irma Deljkić Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Socially Unacceptable Behaviors From a Perspective of the Dark Triad <p>The aim of the research was to examine the relationship between Dark triads personality traits&nbsp; and socially unacceptable behaviors. A random sample (N=141) aged 18 to 30 years (M=23.80, SD=2.58), where 68.1% of respondents were female, was tested using a Scale of Socially Unacceptable Behaviors and the Short Dark Triad Questionnaire, and the survey included persons with residence in the Una-Sana Canton.</p> <p>The results of this research show that there is a statistically significant correlation between the features of the dark triad and socially unacceptable behaviors and that men are more inclined to display socially pathological behaviors than women.</p> Dijana Sulejmanović, Ajla Bajrić Copyright (c) 2024 Dijana Sulejmanović, Ajla Bajrić Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Sexual Harassment at Universities in North Macedonia: Victimization, Strain, and Negative Emotions <p>Universities being autonomous should be able to guarantee free speech, and everyone should feel safe from any type of harm there. But as every area of social life, also academia is not immune to criminal acts, including sexual harassment. During 2021 and 2022 the authors have conducted research about sexual harassment at Macedonian universities. This paper discusses the third part (victimization and negative emotions) of that research. The research included 330 students from public and private universities in North Macedonia. The goal of the research was to analyze whether students know what sexual harassment is, whether they can recognize it, and if and how often sexual harassment happens at Macedonian universities. The results have shown that sexual harassment is happening at Macedonian universities, victims choose not to report it to authorities, but they talk about their experience to their parents or friends. And that in most cases has happened in professors’ offices and in the lecture halls.</p> Angelina Stanojoska, Ivona Shushak Lozanovska, Ice Ilijevski Copyright (c) 2024 Angelina Stanojoska, Ivona Shushak Lozanovska, Ice Ilijevski Wed, 25 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000