Kriminalističke teme <p> „Kriminalističke teme – časopis za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije“ osnovan je 1998. godine. U početku koncipiran kao časopis za poglavito kriminalističku teoriju i praksu, imao je za cilj praćenje i predstavljanje modernih kriminalističkih spoznaja i dostignuća. Istovremeno, to je predstavljalo mogućnost i prostor za ostvarivanje šire komunikacije i saradnje u domaćoj i međunarodnoj stručnoj i naučnoj javnosti. Nakon kratkoga prekida u izdavanju, nešto izmijenjenog koncepcijskog rješenja javlja se 2002. godine. Časopis se tada, pored kriminalistike, počeo intenzivnije baviti i područjima kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija, te se na taj način tematski i uređivački usaglasio sa funkcijom i misijom izdavača, Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije. Naučna i društvena opravdanost za pokretanje časopisa je imperativ vremena, budući da je po temama i koncepcijom jedinstven u Bosni i Hercegovini.</p> <p>Časopis svojim sadržajem smjera promoviranju kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija kao specifičnih naučnih područja, te doprinosu ukupnom naučnom, kulturnom i društveno-ekonomskom razvoju Bosne i Hercegovine, ali i promociji demokratskog, građanskog društva, postizanju najviših standarda nastave i naučnoistraživačkog i stručnog rada.</p> <p>Časopis objavljuje do sada neobjavljene naučne i stručne radove, prikaze i prijevode iz područja kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija.</p> en-US (Prof. dr. sc. Marija Lučić-Ćatić) (Adnan Fazlić, MA) Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 OJS 60 Use of Firearms in Private Protection Services <p>Overall private protection activities for the protection of persons and property are in the major- ity of cases treated in the context of preventive protection activities, although the direct execu- tors of private protection tasks are given some repressive powers, primarily in the case of the need to protect one's own life and/or the person who is the object of protection when perform- ing the aforementioned tasks. However, the use of the aforementioned security powers from the category of means of coercion, starting with the use of physical force (sprayers of permitted non-harmful substances, binding agents), through a security dog, and up to the use of firearms in practice often results in a series of accompanying problems in cases where the application of the said powers by the security guard really did come. In this context, of course, the largest part of the mentioned problem falls on the use of firearms as the most powerful repressive means that the security guard has at his disposal when repelling a simultaneous and illegal attack on his own integrity or the person who is the object of protection. Following the aforementioned, as well as the general interpretation according to which the powers of private security guards essentially derive from the so-called of "civil powers" (necessary defense, emergency and civil arrest) which in principle every citizen has, in the following paper, the normative regulation re- lated to the use of firearms by security guards in the Republic of Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovi- na, the Republic of Slovenia and the Republic of Serbia is analyzed , and at the same time give an answer to the research question, whether the aforementioned legal solutions that regulate the work of security guards give the direct executors of private protection the appropriate authority to perform private protection work and/or ultimately to a certain extent restrain and stigmatize them in relation to the broadest civil powers when defending against an attack. In this context, the latest case in the Ritz night club in Zagreb (from April 22, 2023) was also analyzed, in which the actions of the security guards and repelling the attack with the use of firearms were (at this time) characterized as the criminal offense of murder, not the use of firearms. weapons when performing private protection duties with fatal consequences.</p> Ante Perčin, Ivan Nađ Copyright (c) 2024 Ante Perčin, Ivan Nađ Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Self-Reported Delinquency in Rural Areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina <p>The issue of security in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rarely in the focus of crimi- nological research, which puts the issue of social control of crime in its many populated areas into the background. Using the data collected within the framework of the International Self- Reported Delinquency Study 3, this paper seeks to shed light on the characteristics of self- reported juvenile delinquency in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> <p>Phenomenological characteristics of delinquent behaviour among primary school students will be singled out from the statistical data collected through mentioned research. In relation to the defined subject of this paper, particular emphasis will be placed on checking the variables generated on the basis of the thesis of the social bond and social control theory, which should show us the extent to which the more traditional and significantly more cohesive environment plays a role in preventing delinquency in the youngest members of the community.</p> <p>This paper outlines the basic indicators of the phenomenology of this phenomenon, in par- ticular the indicators of behaviour with elements of violence, property delinquency, group de- linquency and manifestations of prohibited behaviour relating to information communication technologies and alcohol and drug abuse.</p> <p>Based on the results of the conducted analyses, this paper aims to enrich the data base with data on this phenomenon, which could improve the guidelines and recommendations for in- stitutions responsible for the development and implementation of prevention programmes aimed at counteracting the delinquent behaviour of elementary school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina.</p> Muhamed Budimlić, Elmedin Muratbegović, Haris Halilović Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamed Budimlić, Elmedin Muratbegović, Haris Halilović Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Help and Support to Victims of Terrorism – International Standards <p>According to available data from security agencies around the world, terrorism represents a leading security challenge as one of the most complex, challenging and dangerous political and security phenomena. Terrorist organizations or groups direct their destructive activities to civilian targets in order to cause losses, cause fear and insecurity among the population and to send messages to governments about the importance of fulfilling their radical goals. Due to the large-scale terrorist attacks around the world since the beginning of the 21st century, the fight against terrorism arouses the increasing awareness of the professional public, and in this regard, help and support for victims of terrorism are taking more and more place and attention both in international instruments and in the domestic legislation of states.</p> <p>In theory, there are many definitions of terrorism, but not a single and harmonized one. By looking at the large number of definitions created by international organizations and the aca- demic community, we can conclude that all definitions have at least three main characteristics in common: the intention to cause death or serious bodily injury and damage to property, the targets are often randomly selected persons, especially civilians, with the purpose of in- timidate the population or compel a government or international organization to do or refrain from doing an act.</p> <p>Just as it is difficult to reach a consensus on the definition of terrorism, it also seems prob- lematic to define the term ‘victim’ in the context of terrorist attacks. There are three main questions and areas for analysis and study in the field of assistance and support to victims of terrorism: specific needs of victims of terrorism, differences in the effect of different forms of terrorism on victims, and the question of whether the specificity of the attack merits different approaches to the victim.</p> Lejla Čopelj Copyright (c) 2024 Lejla Čopelj Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing in Bosnia and Herzegovina: A Review of the Legislative Framework and Current Situation <p>According to the latest report from the Global Initiative on illicit financial flows, it is estimated that money laundering in Bosnia and Herzegovina ranges from 400 million to one billion euros. While the components of illicit financial flows are influenced by various factors, the primary focus is on money laundering through the financial system. Widespread corruption, as empha- sized in international reports, calls for a more decisive response to both corruption and organ- ized crime, especially in the context of money laundering. Criminal laws at the state, entity, and Brčko District levels define the offense of money laundering. The Law on the Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism in Bosnia and Herzegovina clearly stipulates actions for preventing and detecting money laundering, identifying obligated entities and their duties, the competencies of the Financial Intelligence Department (FID), and inter-institutional cooperation, all aimed at preventing money laundering and financing terrorist activities. Ac- cording to various assessments and expert opinions, amendments to this law are necessary for Bosnia and Herzegovina to be more effective in addressing this issue. Risk assessments of mon- ey laundering and the threat of organized crime in Bosnia and Herzegovina identify methods of money laundering and practical deficiencies that need to be identified. The State Investigation and Protection Agency published statistical data and typologies of money laundering for the year 2021, identifying ways in which money obtained through criminal activities is attempted to be legally introduced into the financial system, as well as legalized through the purchase of real estate, luxury vehicles, and the use of cryptocurrencies.</p> Admir Katica Copyright (c) 2024 Admir Katica Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction – Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Aspects in North Macedonia <p>With the beginning of the criminal procedure, in its first part of the preliminary procedure stage (pre-investigative and investigative), legally relevant facts are determined through evidentiary means, by which we mean sources from which the evidence bases are obtained. The crime scene investigation and reconstruction are integral parts of the evidentiary actions system that are applied within the frame- work of criminal and criminal proceedings with the aim of efficient and effective research, elucidation, and proof of the criminal event.</p> <p>The crime scene investigation is a systematic action by which, by the provisions of the law, objects, traces, and other circumstances important for clarifying the criminal legal event are taken, expertly processed, and in the crime scene investigation documentation registered, and fixed.</p> <p>Crime scene reconstruction is determining or eliminating the events and actions that occurred at the crime scene through analysis of the crime scene pattern, the location and position of the physical evidence, and the laboratory examination of the physical evidence. Reconstruction involves the systematic study of related infor- mation and the logical formulation of a theory.</p> Vesna Trajanovska, Natasha Peovska Copyright (c) 2024 Vesna Trajanovska, Natasha Peovska Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Criminal Behavior of Young People: Preliminary Results of the Fourth International Self-Reported Delinquency Study (ISRD4) in Bosnia and Herzegovina <p>The International Self-Reported Delinquency Study – ISRD is comparative research conducted internationally on delinquency and victimization of children and youth. The study was launched in 1992, and repeated in three more sweeps, including the most recent one done in more than 50 participating countries between 2020 and 2022. The study is conducted through surveying children ages 13 to 17 (sample from schools).</p> <p>In Bosnia and Herzegovina, the study was conducted in the second (ISRD2: 2006) and the third sweep (ISRD3: 2016) where the national representative sample was used. In the final, fourth cycle (ISRD4), the research was done in two cities in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo and Bihać, in which the data was gathered between April and December of 2022 in selected schools. Both selected cities were included in earlier research, through representative national sample only. The data was mostly gathered via an online questionnaire, however due to tech- nical constraints in a small number of schools a pencil-and-paper method was used instead.</p> <p>This reference study on delinquency and victimization of children and youth has two main objectives. The first objective is focusing on comparing differences, similarities, and trends in delinquencies and victimization between participating countries. The second objective is to explore and test theoretical queries linked with juvenile delinquency and victimization, while keeping the focus on the possibilities of using the study results for creation and realization of policies in this field.</p> Muhamed Budimlić, Sandra Kobajica Mišanović Copyright (c) 2024 Muhamed Budimlić, Sandra Kobajica Mišanović Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Editorial <p>Poštovane čitateljice i čitatelji,<br>zadovoljstvo mi je predstaviti prvi dvobroj „Kriminalističke teme“ za 2024. godinu, koji sadržajno obuhvaća šest iznimno interesantnih prethodnih saopćenja, znanstvenih i stručnih radova iz domena kriminalistike, kriminologije i sigurnosnih studija čime se osigurava kontinuitet u objavljivanju radova kojima se proširuju znanstvene spoznaje te inoviraju promišljanja o već etabliranim temama.</p> <p>U ovom broju se pred vama nalazi izvorni znanstveni rad redovitih profesora Univerziteta u Sarajevu – Fakultetu za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije prof. dr. Muhameda Budimlića, prof. dr. Elmedina Muratbegovića i prof. dr. Harisa Halilovića „Samoprijavljeno prestupništvo mladih u ruralnim sredinama Bosne i Hercegovine“. U navedenom radu koautorski tim, koristeći se podacima prikupljenim u okviru Međunarodne studije o samoprijavljenom<br>prestupništvu 3 (eng. International Self-Report Delinquency Study 3), nastoji osvijetliti obilježja samoprijavljenog prestupništva mladih u ruralnim sredinama Bosne i Hercegovine.</p> <p>Naredni rad predstavlja prethodno saopćenje koautora prof. dr. Muhameda Budimlića i koautorice doc. dr. Sandre Kobajice Mišanović sa Univerziteta u Sarajevu - Fakulteta za kriminalistiku, kriminologiju i sigurnosne studije pod naslovom „Prestupničko ponašanje mladih: preliminarni rezultati četvrte Međunarodne studije o samoprijavljenom prestupništvu (ISRD4) u Bosni i Hercegovini“. U ovom radu koautorski tim predstavlja preliminarne rezultate međunarodnog istraživanja pod nazivom Međunarodna studija o samoprijavljenom prestupništvu djece (eng. International Self-Reported Delinquency Study – ISRD) za Bosnu i Hercegovinu.</p> <p>Potom slijedi pregledni naučni rad „Uporaba vatrenog oružja na poslovima privatne zaštite“ koautora Ante Perčina i Ivana Nađa u kojem koautorski tim vrši usporednu analizu normativnog uređenja vezanog za uporabu vatrenog oružja od strane zaštitara u Republici Hrvatskoj, Bosni i Hercegovini, Republici Srbiji i Republici Sloveniji, te nastoji dati odgovor na istraživačko pitanje: da li navedena zakonska rješenja kojima se normira rad zaštitara samim neposrednim<br>izvršiteljima privatne zaštite daju primjerenu ovlast za izvršenje poslova privatne zaštite i/ili ih u konačnici u određenoj mjeri sputavaju i stigmatiziraju u odnosu na najšire građanske ovlasti prilikom obrane od napada?</p> <p>Nadalje, dvobroj nudi stručni članak “Pomoć i podrška žrtvama terorizma - međunarodni standardi“ autorice Lejle Čopelj, šefice Odjela za borbu protiv terorizma Ministarstva sigurnosti Bosne i Hercegovine u kojem se polemizira pojmovno određenje termina „žrtva terorizma“ te daje sustavan pregled&nbsp;međunarodnih instrumenata u oblasti pomoći i podrške žrtvama terorizma.</p> <p><br>Dvobroj nadalje donosi stručni članak Admira Katice, ministra Ministarstva unutarnjih poslova Kantona Sarajevo pod naslovom „Pranje novca i financiranje terorizma u Bosni i Hercegovine kroz osvrt na zakonodavni okvir i trenutno stanje“. U navedenom radu se vrši definiranje termina pranje novca i financiranje terorističkih aktivnosti, daje pregled zakonodavnog okvira na nivou Bosne i Hercegovine i mehanizama za praćenje mjera za sprečavanje pranja novca i financiranja terorističkih aktivnosti te se vrši analiza odgovora države na borbu protiv pranja novca i financiranja terorističkih aktivnosti.</p> <p>U konačnici dvobroj nudi stručni članak „Crime Scene Investigation and Reconstruction – Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics Aspects in North Macedonia“ koautorica Vesne Trajanovske, profesorice na Međunarodnom Balkanskom Univerzitetu i Natashe Peovske, profesorice na Fakultetu za sigurnost, Skoplje, Univerziteta „Sv. Kliment Ohridski iz Bitole. U navedenom radu koautorice prezentiraju pravni okvir kojim je regulirano provođenje očevida i rekonstrukcije u&nbsp;Republici Sjeverna Makedonija te niz postupovnih i kriminalističkih pravila za provođenje istih.</p> <p>Ovom prigodom također želim izraziti zahvalnost svim autorima i koautorima na dostavljenim radovima, recenzentima, kao i članovima Redakcije koji su svojim sugestijama i prijedlozima unaprijedili kvalitetu i omogućili publiciranje još jednog izdanja časopisa „Kriminalističke teme“ te se nadam da će čitatelji i u ovom broju pronaći interesantne i upotrebljive sadržaje.</p> <p>Glavna i odgovorna urednica<br>Prof. dr. Marija Lučić-Ćatić</p> Marija Lučić-Ćatić Copyright (c) 2024 Marija Lučić-Ćatić Thu, 18 Jul 2024 00:00:00 +0000