With all the signs of change with which we entered the 21st century is rapidly changing our perception of the world. If here we focus on current social and political events with them in connection bring the issue of involvement women – to come up with a line of important fields that have yet to elaborate. If here we focus on current social and political events with them in connection bring the issue of involvement women - to come up with a line of important fields that have yet to elaborate. Notwithstanding the right to be eligible for essential institutions in the social, economic and political life, to participate in the policy of their country, women are still striking minorities in these spheres of life in Bosnia and Herzegovina. From this we can monitor the parallel: in such women perceived the world and how the world perceives this woman? Is the experience of women as insufficiently involved in important processes, only the experience of observers, whether it reaches only the most up to the stage the audience? In addition to answers to open questions, this paper presents a comparative analysis of international legal norms with the Bosnian positive legal regulations dealing with women's rights and women in politics, because only a legal norm can be clearly established, or determine the extent of the law, and punishment for offenders. However, to achieve equalization of rights between the sexes is not possible unless there are formed from state institutions or state mechanisms for their protection, and if there is no clearly expressed political will to be proclaimed and adopted the standards as implemented through subordinate legislation and the activities of political parties and bodies authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Therefore, we conducted a research on the application of the Law on Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina (in the period from June 1 to September 1, 2010) in the police or the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the results and findings of We arrived at the end we will present the work.
Methodological framework: a method of content analysis of documents:
- Analysis of all the available epidemiological studies on women’s participation in public and political life of Bosnia and Herzegovina;
- Analysis of legislation (Laws on Internal Affairs - 11 laws) and laws (statutes and regulations-with a special focus on the analysis of the Regulations on disciplinary responsibility to determine whether and how gender discrimination is punishable by the police) to determine whether and how the provisions of the Law on Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina implemented in legal acts of the police.
The purpose of the research: It is our intention to determine whether it is a implementation of the Gender Equality in Bosnia and Herzegovina, because the sex discrimination specifically prohibited by the Article 2 Annex 4 the General Framework Agreement for Peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is the supreme law of the current Constitution of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Conclusion: If there is no harmonization of our laws with EU legislation in the field of sex discrimination, and if, despite their adoption of these laws are not implemented in practice, then there is no Rule of Law and we cannot expect to soon join the European Union.

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