Reason for writing and research problem(s): Misdemeanor against public peace and order is the theme which is totally ignored when it comes to scientific research, about that in his work the author working on issues of criminal conduct with special emphasis on police role in misdemeanor suppression against public peace and order.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The work aims to point n real status offenses against public peace and order in the territory of Podgorica, and also the police role in prevention and combating them same.
Methodology/ Design: In the work is first applied the statistical method through which the author implemented research in the Ministry of Interior of Montenegro, Podgorica Center of Security and handles all misdemeanors in the field of the law on public order and peace in the municipality of Podgorica for the five-year period, i.e. the period from 2012 to 2016. Then applied the law of analysis and synthesis.
Research/ Paper limitation: Research is limited on recording misdemeanors against public peace and order Podgorica Center of Security for a period from 2012 to 2016 year.
Results/ General conclusion: The basics research shows statistically indicators effectiveness of policing as well as the authority of the judiciary when it comes to violations of public peace and order in the territory of Podgorica, during which in the five-year period. Then relationship between submitted requests for the launch for misdemea- nor proceedings of this kind.
Research/ Paper Validity: Justification of research is reflecting in need to emphasize the scope, dynamics and structure misdemeanors against public peace and order, as well as commands the possible measures to improve the police activity in the field of prevention.

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