Reason for writing and research problem(s): The paper discusses the phenomenon of everyday life and mechanisms that shape the layout of living space, fashion, music, urban lifestyle, bureaucratization and rationalization. We begin from the standpoint that all these mechanisms colonize the everyday world of life. On this basis, people accept the offered and dignified identities as the reference determinants of their everyday life. The modern way of life has been extracted from the field of work (bureaucratization), housing (spatial distribution in housing) and leisure (fashion and music), which has to beautify the everyday life and transform them into the identity determinants, through the powerful of economic and political forces. In that sense, within our faculty spatial resources, I realized the installation under the aforementioned title. I found the inspiration for work in the phenomena of everyday life that is constructsed by modern times, as well as the ways in which the person defines themselves in the context of accelerated changes. In this paper, I have covered only a part of the problem that cannot be fully presented in this format
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The basic aims of the installation is to increase the theoretical interests and sensitivity related to everyday life among students, and to approach them in this way to the complex theories of sociology (certainly criminology and anthropology) and to show them how to see everyday life and its impulses.
Methodology/ Design: The basic methodology used in the paper is mainly theoretical. Through the presentation of the installation we used a visual-living method Through the structure of the text we intend to emphasize only the basic attributes of the cate- gories we are dealing with: installation, everyday life, identity, power and installation elements. The installation contains five interconnected elements that are essentially connected to everyday life.
Research/ Paper limitation: Important limitations in the work are that we could not cover all phenomena of everyday life, but in a rough and lapidary way we have emphasized the way in which we should researc everyday life.
Research/ Paper Validity: The findings of the work are reflected in understanding how economic-political power shapes everyday practice how we accept already constructed identities.

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