Reason for writing and research problem(s): The ratio of corporative to national security is not sufficiently theoretical and practical from the aspect of national interests. The issue of the corporate security sector is increasingly becoming a priority for developing countries as is the case with the Western Balkans
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The paper intends to describe and explain the relationship between corporate and national security in light of the positive and negative effects which modern companies can achieve on the national economic system. The paper gives a brief overview of the development of corporate security, and a focus on the economic sector of national security. Special attention is paid to the risks and threats that corporations carry and their effects on national security and the national economic system.
Methodology/Design: Considering that the correlation between corporate and national security is being examined, and by reviewing available professional and scientific literature, special methods of data collection will not be used. Analytical-synthetic and general-methodic methods were used in the study of the subject matter.
Research/paper limitations: Theoretical considerations of the relationship between national and corporate security and their interaction
Results/Findings: The relationship between corporate and national security is specific and conditioned by the economic component of national security and the profit of corporations. Modern corporations base their activities on making profits, and on the other hand, the state seeks for the economic prosperity of citizens and society as a whole.
General Conclusion: A modern state must, through its control mechanisms, influence the compliance of laws by corporations in order to preserve their own market and national economy and the prevention of negative phenomena that large companies can execute.
Research/Paper Validity: Corporate security is important for countries in transition, as well as those that clearly express the aspirations of membership in the European Union. Particularly important for the economies are the countries of the Western Balkans, whose development largely depends on foreign companies and their arrival on this market.

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