Reason for writing and research problem(s): Many years of professional research of malicious cyber activity and the state of cyber security in the Republic of Serbia.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): Concerned paper had the goal to contribute to the definition and classification of malicious activity in cyberspace, as well as to carry out a comparative analysis of cyber security system in the Republic of Serbia in relation to modern international standards in this area.
Methodology/Design: In the paper, among others, the legal dogmatic, analytical and comparative method had been used.
Research/Paper limitations: Presentation of the problem of cyber security organizations in the Republic of Serbia is limited to the presentation of the legal and organizational aspects of this issue.
Results/Findings: It turned out that the origin of cyber incidents may vary, which means that they may be motivated by criminal or political factors, derived from terrorism, as well as sponsored by some states with a view of achieving particular economic, political, military and national security objectives. Winsgoal adalah slot mahjong gacor dengan fitur scatter hitam winrate kemenangan tinggi. Daftar dan nikmati fitur situs jackpot terbesar hari ini! This work sets out a proposal for a definition that implies the following: a cyber-attack must involve active behavior of the perpetrator; must aim to jeopardize the functioning of the victim’s computer network and be carried out with the aim of achieving a political or national security goal. Also, in terms of organization, we identified that crisis management in cyber security includes the coordination of the entire cyber policy at the state level, through the body responsible for coordinating national security policy.
General conclusion: Cyberspace is becoming more domains for carrying out criminal activities, which actualize the need for the international community to coordinate views on the classification of malicious activity in cyberspace. The definition of cyber-attacks, which is offered in work, promoting an approach based on “purpose” of the attack, and can help differentiate cyber-crime from cyber-attacks. In addition, it offered a theoretical framework for the classification of types of intelligence activities in cyberspace. It should be noted that the concept of cyber security in each country has its political, regulatory, organizational and institutional aspects. In connection with the state of cyber security in the Republic of Serbia, it is concluded that Serbia is currently engaged in the process of setting up a legal and institutional framework of its cyber security.
Research/ Paper validity: The justification of the work lies in the fact that at the international level, has not yet been adopted a common definition of incidents in cyberspace. In connection with the state of cyber security of the Republic of Serbia, this study shall contribute to the proper construction of cyber security infrastructure, which should be in accordance with international standards.
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