Reason for writing and research problem (s): Organized crime is one of the most complex phenomena in the world and the most serious problem of criminal legislation. This phenomenon is a challenge both for theory and practice. Adjusts to new trends. Organized crime jeopardizes the security of states by attacking vital interests. Because of the unstable social organization, the rapid transfer of crime from developed countries and countries in transition in which it is a major social problem, as well as the uneducated system of value, is evident in its growth. A successful fight against organized crime is possible with the application of contemporary technical achievements, as well as the firm determination of the state to fight organized crime. Activities to combat organized crime need to be directed at strategic planning and international cooperation.
Aims of the paper ( scientific and/or social): Handling this topic is done from a scientific and social point of view. The aim of the research is to present measures to counter organized crime in transition countries, to show the causes of organized crime and factors that are crucial to finding relevant facts of organized crime in transition countries.
Methodology/Design: The paradigm that this research belongs to is positivism. Data collection methodology is based on qualitative and quantitative research. The methods used in this research are: method of document content analysis, statistical method, induction, deduction, abstraction.
Research/Paper limitation: The main limitation of this paper is that the subject of the research is very complex and it is not possible to look at all aspects of the impact of organized crime.
Results/Findings: The results would give a clear picture of how organized crime is affecting the security of states in transition, and then, based on these results, it could react to overcoming potential problems.
General Conclusion: Strategic action and international cooperation aim to limit the consequences of organized crime. In order to strengthen the fight against all forms of organized crime, it is necessary to improve statistical methods and synchronization in the collection of police data at all levels of government in transition countries. Organized crime represents a threat and national security risk, which requires enhanced criminal intelligence and data exchange. The preventive form of combating organized crime encompasses various activities that reduce the scope for the commission of criminal offenses as well as activities that improve the social factors that prevent the emergence and development of organized crime. An important place in the fight against organized crime is the assessment of the possible impact of certain legal solutions on the prevention of organized crime. Organized crime has survived and adapted to new conditions that have led to new forms. Thus, the occurrences that lead to organized crime must be considered and analyzed in the overall. You should look at all the causes, regardless of the time period in which they originated. Consideration should be given to the intensity but also to the scope of the organized crime in the field of social life, as it does not exclude the possibility of acting isolated but also interconnected.
Research/Paper Validity: The results of the impact of organized crime on the security of states in transition should justify both the scientific and social significance of this work. Any contribution to the scientific foundation of new forms of prevention and resolution of organized crime of states in transition is essential for the entire society. Theoretical explanation and practical solution of the impact of organized crime in states in transition allows us to better understand how much has been done in the field of protection and how much state institutions are willing to do to protect this problem. Adequate cooperation between the society as a whole and the effective action of state institutions would overcome many influential factors related to organized crime in states in transition.

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