Reason for writing and research problem (s): Observed from the aspect of the time to which we belong, and in the time that high-tech crime is facing us every day, it is more pronounced, and it is one of the most dangerous types of crime in general. There are many reasons for supporting this high degree of social danger. Of particular importance to them is the following: every day, his growing presence, even in the most sensitive institutions of society as a whole; the consequences that it entails; its international character; its connection with the most difficult forms of crime (the case of organized crime and terrorism, where it is not only the powerful lever of their planning, but also the key means of execution); difficulty in discovering clarification and proof.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): Criminal investigation is of operational character, which is often associated with the experience of a criminal investigator, very little attention is paid to professional and scientific investigation of criminal offenses in general, especially criminal offenses of high-tech criminality. This perception suggests that the crimes mentioned above are criminal areas that are very complex for detection, clarification and proofing. The general aim of criminology as a science is to try to create models and foundations for successful detection, clarification and proofing based on concrete actions of certain criminal offenses. The theoretical basis, set by the subject research, should serve to improve the detective activities of the competent authorities in the area of these crimes. On the basis of the aforementioned findings, the interaction between criminal and criminal process investigation activities will be established, which ultimately should contribute to more efficient detection, clarification and demonstration of criminal offenses of high-tech criminality, and in particular thro-ugh the strengthening of scientific and professional approach in combating crime in general.
Methodology/Design: During the research, relevant scientific research methods and techniques will be used, which can provide the highest quality results in the field of investigation of the relevance and efficiency of criminal and criminal procedural actions in the detection of criminal phenomena, with special emphasis on crimes of high-tech criminality. In addition, efforts will be made to promote research that is significant in order to measure the quality and effectiveness of the investigation of the above-mentioned crimes.
Research/Paper limitation: The work is part of a wider scientific-professional activity aimed at affirmation and application of modern criminal and criminal procedural methods, which can contribute to more efficient detection, clarification and proving of criminal acts of high-tech criminality.
Results/Findings: The presentations that will be presented in this paper are the result of a systematic work related to the analysis of the success of the judicial sector in the area of detection, clarification and proving of criminal offenses of high-tech criminality.
General Conclusion: The presented conclusions represent an exhaustive picture of concrete cases individually, identification of possible problems that may be of importance for the detection, clarification and proof of the same.
Research/Paper Validity: The results of the scientific research presented in this paper give a significant contribution to the legal sciences in theoretical and applicative sense.

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