Inspiracija za rad i problem (i) koji se radom oslovljava (ju): Stupanjem na snagu Opšte uredbe o zaštiti podataka (GDPR), kao i odgovarajućih nacionalnih propisa koji su transponovali odredbe ove uredbe u zakonodavstvo zemalja koje nisu članice EU, pred zdravstvene ustanove u regionu stavlja se nimalo lak zadatak da usklade svoje procedure sa ovim odredbama.
Ciljevi rada (naučni i/ili društveni): Cilj rada je da se omogući objedinjeni prikaz važećih bezbednosnih standarda, kao i odgovarajućih smernica za bezbednost u zdravstvu, čija primena omogućava veću bezbednost zaposlenih, pacijenata i drugih ljudi koji posećuju zdravstvene ustanove. Takođe, u radu će biti prikazani i regulatorni zahtevi koji se od-nose na posebne kategorije podataka o ličnosti – podatke o zdravstvenom stanju.
Metodologija/Dizajn: U radu se daje pregled normativnih aspekata bezbednosti u zdravstvu, kao i zaštite podataka o ličnosti, faktičkom stanju u ovoj oblasti, te izazovima koje donose novi propisi u ovoj oblasti.
Ograničenja istraživanja/rada: Podaci o zdravstvenom stanju građana, kao posebno osetljivi podaci o ličnosti, podrazumevaju posebne mere zaštite i specifične tehničke, fizičke i organizacione kontrole, tako da je u radu prikazan samo jedan od mogućih pri-stupa u sprovođenju ovih mera.
Rezultati/Nalazi: Ističe se značaj adekvatnog razumevanja i primene odredaba zakonske regulative, kao i srazmernih kontrola za osiguranje bezbednosti lica i podataka o ličnosti.
Generalni zaključak: Naročite napore treba uložiti da se u zdravstvene ustanove implementiraju mere koje će garantovati bezbednost podataka o ličnosti, imajući u vidu istoriju čestih i ozbiljnih incidenata narušavanja ovih podataka.
Opravdanost istraživanja/rada: Opravdanost rada nalazi se u činjenici da je potrebno garantovati pacijentima, građanima i zaposlenima u zdravstvenim ustanovama adekvatan nivo zaštite podataka o ličnosti, ali i ličnu bezbednosti tokom procesa koje obavljaju.
Security and Personal Data Protection in Healthcare Institutions
Reason for writing and research problem (s): By entering the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) into force, as well as the relevant national regulations transposing provisions of this Regulation into the legislation of non-EU countries, the healthcare institutions in the region got the complex task to harmonize their procedures with these provisions.
Aims of the paper: The aim of the paper is to provide a review of the applicable safety standards, as well as the relevant safety guidelines in healthcare, the application of which allows for greater safety of employees, patients and other people visiting health facilities. Also, the paper will show the regulatory requirements related to special categories of personal data – data concerning health.
Methodology: The paper presents a review of the normative aspects of safety in health care, as well as the protection of personal data, the factual situation in this field, and the challenges brought by the new regulations in this field.
Research/Paper Limitation: Data concerning health, as special category of personal data, imply special protection measures and special technical, physical and organizational controls, so that only one of the possible approaches in the implementation of these measures is presented in the paper.
Results / General Conclusion: The importance of adequate legal provisions understanding and implementation is emphasized, as well as the application of proportional controls for ensuring the safety of the person and personal data.
Conclusion: Efforts should be made to implement measures that will guarantee the protection of personal data in healthcare institutions, bearing in mind the history of frequent and serious breaches of healthcare data.
Research / Paper Validity: The justification of work is in the fact that it is necessary to guarantee patients, citizens and employees in healthcare institutions an adequate level of protection of personal data, as well as personal safety during the processes they perform.

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