Inspiracija za rad i problem (i) koji se radom oslovljavaju: Napredak u razvoju informacione tehnologije uticao je na pojavu novih oblika pranja novca koje karakteriše sofisticiranost, prikrivenost, veći nivo organizacije, međunarodni karakter kao i kreativnost kriminalaca. Elektronski transferi novca sa jednog računa na drugi, te brzina kojom se isti realizuje omogućava prikrivanje stvarnog izvora tog novca.
Ciljevi rada (naučni i/ili društveni): Naučni cilj rada ogleda u opisivanju faktora koji utiču na pojavu pranja novca u elektronskom i korespondentnom bankarstvu. Društveni cilj odnosi se na informisanje akademske i stručne javnosti o specifičnostima pranja novca korištenjem elektronskog i korespondentnog bankarstva.
Metodologija/Dizajn: Pri izradi rada koristit će se literatura domaćih i stranih autora te ostali naučni i stručni članci dostupni na internetskim stranicama. U radu će biti koriš-tene sljedeće metode: metoda analize te deduktivna i induktivna metoda. Kada je u pitanju metoda prikupljanja podataka bit će korištena analiza sadržaja.
Ograničenja istraživanja/rada: Ograničenje ovog rada je teorijsko razmatranje pranja novca korištenjem elektronskog i korespondentnog bankarstva. Naime, u istom će biti prikazana postojeća naučna saznanja kada je u pitanju predmet istraživanja. Stoga, ovim radom nije moguće ukazati na praktična rješenja koja bi mogla uticati na sprečava-nje pranja novca u oblastima koje će biti obrađene u radu.
Rezultati/Nalazi: Pranje novca korištenjem elektronskog bankarstva iako obuhvata tri tradicionalne faze pranja novca ima određene specifičnosti u pogledu mjesta i načina na koji se preduzimaju određene aktivnosti. Internet bankarstvo i Mobilno bankarstvo kao distrubucijski kanali elektronskog bankarstva mogu omogućiti prikrivanje kako porijekla novčanih sredstava tako i identiteta klijenata koji koriste te usluge što povećava rizik od pranja novca. S druge strane, korespondentno bankarstvo se koristi za aktivnosti pranja novca jer predstavlja vrstu poslovnog odnosa koji omogućava poslovanje sa rezidentnom bankom bez tačnih i pouzdanih informacija o porijeklu novčanih sred-stava. Posebno su rizični korespondentni odnosi sa shell bankama koje fizički ne postoje niti u jednoj zemlji te osnivanje ofšor finansijskih centara pomoću kojih određene pravne i fizičke osobe ostvaruju „finansijske pogodnosti“.
Generalni zaključak: Uzimajući u obzir zajedničku karakteristiku elektronskog i korespondentnog bankarstva koja se odnosi na fizičko odsustvo stranaka sa kojima se vrši poslovanje, može se zaključiti da navedene djelatnosti pospješuju aktivnosti pranja novca.
Opravdanost istraživanja /rada: Opravdanost ovog rada ogleda se u spoznaji pojavnih oblika pranja novca koje su omogućili elektronski transferi.
Use of Electronic and Correspondent Banking for Money Laundering Activities
Inspiration for the research and problem (s) referred to in this work: Progress in development of informational technologies has affected the emergence of new forms of money laundering that is characterized by sophistication, concealment, higher level of organization, international character as well as the creativity of criminals. Electronic transfers of money from one back account to another and the speed of its realization, allows a cover-up of the true money source.
Research goals (scientific and/or social): Scientific goal reflects itself in the description of factors that affect the emergence of money laundering within electronic and correspondent banking. Social goal refers to the informing of academic and expert public regarding specifics of money laundering using electronic and correspondent banking.
Methodology/Design: During the execution of this work, literature of regional and foreign authors will be used as well as other scientific articles and articles of expertise available on internet sites. In said work following methods will be used: method of analysis, and deductive and inductive method. Regarding the data collecting method, content analysis will be used.
Limitations in the research/work: The limitation of this particular work lies in the theoretical deliberation of money laundering through electronic and corresponding ban-king. More specifically, through said deliberation, existing scientific findings in reference to the subject of research will be presented. Therefore, in this work, it is not possible to address practical solutions that would affect prevention of money laundering within areas included in this research.
Results/Findings: Although it includes three traditional phases, money laundering through the use of electronic and correspondent banking has certain specifics in regards to the place and the way certain activities are done. Internet Banking and Mobile Banking as channels for electronic banking distribution can allow for concealment of origin of funds as well as the identity of clients, increasing the risk of money laundering. On the other hand, correspondent banking is being used for money laundering activities because it presents a form of business relationship that allows for commerce with the residential bank without precise and reliable information about the origin of the funds. Especially risky are correspondent relations with "shell" banks that physically do not exist in any country, as well as establishment of "off-shore" centers that provides certain legal and physical persons with certain "financial benefits".
General Conclusion: Considering a common characteristic of electronic and correspondent banking related to the physical absence of parties with which business relation-ship is established, it can be concluded that said activities enhance money laundering activities.
Validity of the research/work: This work's validity reflects itself within the acknowledgement of manifestations of money laundering enabled by electronic transfers.

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