Reasons for writing and research problem(s): The focus on migration processes has been dramatically intensified, both internationally and nationally. Often, this phenomenon undermines national and political unity. The inspiration for exploring this phenomenon was initially related to the local demarcations about the migrant crisis. People in the movement are becoming a more frequent occurrence in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and our country represents a transit destination to European countries, so it is essential to explain and shed light on the repercussions of this crisis and the (un)willingness of the state to respond to growing challenges that concern general public.
Aims of the paper: The scientific aim of this paper is reflected in the description of capacities in the conditions of the migrant crisis, taking into account the structure of the political and security system, and the relations and connections between these systems. The social aim of the paper is to present findings of the migrant crisis as a security and humanitarian risk with severe potential and to get acquainted with the key characteristics and risk factors arising from the migrant crisis.
Methodology/Design: Given the interdisciplinarity of this subject, to a greater or lesser extent, various general scientific methods are used, primarily the hypotheticaldeductive method and the analytical-deductive method, the method of scientific findings, and the method of analyzing the content of documents, events and testimonies in terms of analysis coordination and readiness of relevant actors in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Research/paper limitation: Tracking migratory movements requires considerable resources, infrastructure and IT/knowledge systems, therefore B&H's ability to collect, administer, analyze and report data on mobility, migration flow is often uneven and limited.
Results/Findings: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, different attitudes and approaches to the phenomenon of migrations are evident. In other words, authorities in Bosnia and Herzegovina do not apply harmonized migration policy.
General conclusion: Findings presented in this paper can contribute to a broader understanding of the framework of the dichotomy between the security (state-centric) approach and the humanitarian (human-centric) approach of the migrant crisis in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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