The recognition of persons and objects as criminal procedural action is specific enquiry or formal action or in other words the special statement of witness which is an instrument to determine accessory facts and on this way the statement of the witness who recognized persons or objects become more as the same as the statement of a recognized person if they be called to testimony. This action in the principle are carried out by law enforcement officials in initial phase of the inquiry because after that exists realistic risk of wrong recognition. Law enforcement officials inevitable compose record and photodocumentation about recognition of persons and objects which, in case if the recognition has been carried out in accordance with statutory provisions and if the witness was formalized with his rights and obligations, can be used like evidence and a judicial decision can be then based on them. Valuation on that recognition record as an evidence instrument conditions a number of elements such as: compliance with the provisions of recognizing and hearing of a witness, reliability, detailed and characteristically of the previous description and assurance in the recognizing and clarity statement about it. In any sense, this action in practice proved itself as a very effective evidence instrument primarily in cases when the investigation is oriented on acquisition and execution of the personal evidence because of the absence of materially evidence.

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