Current events in our daily show continuous progress forces of organized crime.
Average, previous methodologies police agencies based on the old, conventional methods. That is the reason why police and the judiciary all over the world, almost always a step behind the criminal population. Only the application of new technologies (example DNA analysis, application AFIS-a - Automatic identification of fingerprints, Forensic medicine, Forensic psychology, Forensic Biology, Forensic IT, Forensic phonoscopy etc. have created real preconditions for the successful fight against crime.
One of the new, realistic methodology is applicable and forensic odorology. Thus, forensic focused on analysis of human (and other) scent following these clues have developed systems that enable them track a moving object, the discovery of relevant substances (eg, traces of explosives, drugs, etc.) or appropriate (criminal) identification. In relation to the above developed the two groups of procedures: one in which the use of scent dogs, and another which involved the development of specific laboratory equipment / devices. The importance of forensic odorology reflected in what is done to identify traces that are invisible to the naked eye.

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