The Importance of Crime Scene Inspection in Investigating Rape Crimes: Theory and Practice


crime scene inspection
criminal investigation silovanje
kriminalistička istraga

How to Cite

Bojanić, N., Deljkić, I., & Lučić-Ćatić, M. (2008). The Importance of Crime Scene Inspection in Investigating Rape Crimes: Theory and Practice. Kriminalističke Teme, 8(3-4), 299-316. Retrieved from


This article examines the importance of crime scene inspection in the process of solving rape crimes, where this sexual offence endangers person's emotional and physical integrity, in which cases implications for victims are long lasting and serious. Although different investigative activities are applied in the process of solving rape crimes, this article suggests that investigative activity in these cases should mostly depend upon physical evidence that can be obtained through crime scene inspection. The article is also based on certain findings from the research on recorded rape crimes in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where findings indicate that if crime scene inspection is not undertaken, or if it is undertaken by qualitatively and quantitatively uncompleted crime scene inspection team, this will have direct impact on the conviction rates. Therefore, to improve criminal justice's response in rape case, crime scene inspection should be carried with no exception to collect vital evidence. Ignoring the physical evidence, and relying only to victim's and witness statements cannot ensure the success of crime investigation and conviction.

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