The article entitled «Prevention of violence against childrens deals, from the criminalistic point of view, with certain general precautionary measures, primarily by repressive bodies, regarding violence against children.
In the introduction the term "violence against children" is defined and general characteristics of that phenomenon are given. In this article under the term violence against children forms of destructive aggression against children, using illegitimate physical or psychological force, are implied.
The first part of the article talks about the most important elements which today go hand in hand with violence against children. Knowledge of these elements is important for better understanding of suggested measures regarding prevention de lege ferenda. The attention is called to the fact that criminalistic procedure regarding offences of violence against children significantly differs from the procedure regarding other offences. The character, nature and circumstances under which criminal offences against children are committed determine the form and the procedure of repressive bodies, as well as the scope of facts that need to be discovered and proven.
In the second part suggestions of some general precautionary measures regarding violence against children are listed. The focus is on the repressive bodies procedures and legislation. It is emphasized that planning, organizing and implementation of prevention in cases of violence against children have to be based on scientific research. The importance of choosing the. appropriate operative criminalistic investigative model and setting up theories about the crime itself is also pointed out. And especially stressed is the necessity of using certain analyzing techniques in connection with the above-mentioned criminal offences. The author believes that the suppression of violence against children should be regarded as a continuous process.
The article is intended primarily for the operatives of repressive bodies working on suppression of criminal offences against children.

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