In this paper, the authors observe the trend of suicide rate in Bosnia and Herze-govina. Bosnia and Herzegovina is the country with complex internal structure, multinational and multi-religious population, and it is also one of the states formed out of the bloody disintegration of former Yugoslavia, which passed the horror of war demolitions and population suffering. Furthermore, it is one of the poorest European states as well. Given such conditions, it is reasonable to expect bigger suicide rate. The movement of this rate in five-year period, 2007-2011, is given in this paper. Suicide data are collected through questionnaires of police agencies in Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Republic of Srpska and Brčko District while population data are collected from statistical yearbooks of statistics agencies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Methods of content analysis, comparative method as well as other relevant statistical methods are used for treatment of collected data. Obtained results represent an objective view of situation in the five-year period. Also, this paper is an integral part of the research initiated in the framework of project “Suicides in Bosnia and Herzegovina” which should be pro-vided by the end of 2013, that the suppositions for its completion are realized.

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