This paper tries to open scientific debate about the Environmental protec-tion and the position of the people in these degradation processes con-firming their role of victims. Using the findings from various studies and theoretical debates on this issue the authors are trying to established ground system theory about these issues. In this regard results from pilot survey that was completed in 2012 also is going to be presented related to Environmental protection on a number of questions such as awareness of respondents about victimization etc. This survey was conducted among students of the Faculty of Security Skopje. Theoretical method is used in terms of interpretation of the status of the victims using acquired knowledge, method of analysis and synthesis, method of content analysis and descriptive statistics are the methods used in this paper. The research has shown that awareness of crime against the environment is very low and requires all the tools of contemporary society for bringing this aware-ness to implement the measures of protection against environmental de-struction and reducing the extent of victimization in this regard. Reasona-bly, the small sample (75 respondents) gives limited and not representa-tive data related to the process of victimization from this type of crime. For example many other categories of people on variety of bases are not included, such as: age and education. This research was important pilot research and in the future should be performed at national and regional level. In the future countries from the region should join in order to estab-lish a common methodology for future study of the degree of victimization related to the environment in order to provide a possible comparison. Also related to this topic we found that theory bases are deficient. The views of students in practical terms certainly follows that it is necessary to develop "more aggressive methods" related to the implementation of the Environmental content in the Secondary education.
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