Inspiration for the work and the problem (s) addressed by the work: The important role of the police in preventing and sanctioning corruption, as well as the existence of police corruption that hinders the fight against corruption in society, were the inspiration for analyzing data on corrupt actions of police officers and conducting research among participants in police education in the Republic of Croatia on the perception of corruption in the police and measures to combat it.
Purpose of the work(scientific and / or social): This research aims to present data on corruption in the police and determine its perception among two categories of police education students (students of basic education for the profession of police officer and police officers in specialist education) and determine what measures they considered the most appropriate to fight corruption.
Methodology / Design: Data on corrupt actions of police officers and the results of a survey of police education participants, using statistical analysis, are presented in text and table
Limitation of research / work: Statistics of corrupt actions of police officers include only that part of those actions that are detected and prosecuted, while respondents' attitudes contain a certain dose of (subjective) impressions gained from personal experience, and respondents may be marked with the intention to present themselves and colleagues in a better light than they really are.
Results / Findings: Data confirm the existence of police corruption problems. The results of the survey indicate that the respondents are familiar with corruption in the police. It is worrying that the respondents do not have a completely negative attitude towards all corrupt practices, ie that they are not ready to report every corrupt act, and it is positive that they think that by raising awareness about the harmfulness of corruption and other measures it is possible to reduce this phenomenon.
General conclusion: Corruption in the police organization makes it difficult to enforce the law and fight corruption. Preventive and repressive measures should be used to minimize police corruption.
Justification of the research / work: This research can be used in the planning and implementation of educational activities among participants in police education programs and for the adoption and implementation of plans and measures for the prevention and sanctioning of corrupt practices in the police.

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