Self-Reported Delinquency in Rural Areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina


self-reported delinquency
rural areas
criminal fenomenology
primary school students samoprijavljeno prestupništvo
ruralne sredine
kriminalna fenomenologija
učenici osnovnih škola

How to Cite

Budimlić, M., Muratbegović, E., & Halilović, H. (2024). Self-Reported Delinquency in Rural Areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kriminalističke Teme, 24(1-2), 1-20.


The issue of security in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina is rarely in the focus of crimi- nological research, which puts the issue of social control of crime in its many populated areas into the background. Using the data collected within the framework of the International Self- Reported Delinquency Study 3, this paper seeks to shed light on the characteristics of self- reported juvenile delinquency in rural areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Phenomenological characteristics of delinquent behaviour among primary school students will be singled out from the statistical data collected through mentioned research. In relation to the defined subject of this paper, particular emphasis will be placed on checking the variables generated on the basis of the thesis of the social bond and social control theory, which should show us the extent to which the more traditional and significantly more cohesive environment plays a role in preventing delinquency in the youngest members of the community.

This paper outlines the basic indicators of the phenomenology of this phenomenon, in par- ticular the indicators of behaviour with elements of violence, property delinquency, group de- linquency and manifestations of prohibited behaviour relating to information communication technologies and alcohol and drug abuse.

Based on the results of the conducted analyses, this paper aims to enrich the data base with data on this phenomenon, which could improve the guidelines and recommendations for in- stitutions responsible for the development and implementation of prevention programmes aimed at counteracting the delinquent behaviour of elementary school students in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
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