Reason(s) for writing and research problem(s): To point out the symbiotic relationship and the role of terrorism as a support instrument in carrying out genocide in form of spreading fear and forcing movement or expelling the population from a certain territory.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): This paper seeks to find a connection between terrorism and genocide, phenomena which have a common denominator – violence, destruction and massive loss of lives.
Methodology/Design: The author uses analysis – synthesis, and deductive – inductive processes. Research/paper limitations: One of the differences is in the target population –victims of terrorism do not necessarily belong to a single nation or a nationality, whereas genocide, by definition, aims at such groups.
Results/Findings: The detailed analysis of the problem is further enriched by the author’s deliberate emphasis of ‘obvious errors’ which prevented from developing a wholesome scientific definition.
General conclusion: The paper brings out a conclusion that terrorism and genocide have a common denominator in political goals, and both use violence and destruction.
Research/paper validity: The author discusses difficulties in defining terrorism, holding that the key obstacle is removed if one abides by the rules of the logical scientific definition of a phenomenon.

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