The Role of Women in Terrorism Through the Prism of Left Realism and Feminist Theory


the theory of left realism
feminist theory
relative deprivation terorizam
teorija lijevog realizma
feministička teorija
relativna deprivacija

How to Cite

Halilović-Kibrić, N. (2017). The Role of Women in Terrorism Through the Prism of Left Realism and Feminist Theory. Kriminalističke Teme, (3-4), 51-67. Retrieved from


The inspiration for the work and the problem (s) that work addresses (her): Modern terrorism is omnipresent and appears in forms that are drastically different from those of the past. However, the fact that is disturbing is the increasing role of women in tarism, because in Bosnian society women, often identified with the concept of a mother, sister, wife. It's hard to put a woman in the context of someone who promotes terror and violence. Therefore, the definition, research and understanding of this phenomenon in the context of different scientific research paradigms of great importance.

The goals of (scientific and / or social): The aim is to analyze terrorism through the prism of the theory of left realism, in order to identify possible motives for connection to terrorist organizations. This information would be of great importance in the creation of adequate preventive measures. While on the other hand, the role of women within the terrorist organization to be analyzed from the perspective of feminist criminological theory.

Methodology / Design: In this paper we analyzed the role of women in terrorism through the prism of the theory of left realism and feminist theory. Since this is a theoretical study used all general-scientific methods, primarily a hypothetical-deductive and analytical-deductive method. Inspection of the available literature on terrorism in the context of criminological theory using the method of content analysis.

Restrictions: Restrictions in this paper relate primarily to examine the problem in purely socio-economic context, where are ignored other factors that influence the decision to connect to terrorist organizations. They also established an extremely important facts about the motives for terrorism that would be necessary to check the empirical research.

Results / Findings: It was found that the reasons for terrorism may seek the relative deprivation, which is one of the basic premises of the theory of realism left. However, the relative deprivation can be considered just one of the many causes of terrorism, but not only. On the other hand, in the context of analyzing terrorism through the prism of feminist criminological theory was found that knowledge of one important segment of terrorism very limited. Precisely by not accepting this position, that women part of terrorist organizations, ranging problems that contribute to policy-makers do not take into account the fact that the role of women in terrorism in recent years more and more important.

General conclusion: It is necessary to consider terrorism extended to those areas that can provide a quality answer to the question of terrorism. As part of the work has on several occasions emphasized and demonstrated that terrorism can not be considered complete without a criminological theory. Terrorism as a kind of violence can not be prevented nor controlled without establishing the basic reason for its existence. It is therefore necessary to turn to the theory, which is empirically tested and that has implications for policy makers,
to women terrorists' has become an integral part of the general security policy.

Justification research / work: It is reasonable to conclude that terrorism really fits well in criminology framework. Terrorism can not be considered complete without a criminological theory, as such. This kind of violence can not be prevented nor controlled without establishing the basic etiological determinant of terrorism.

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