Reason(s) for writing and research problem(s): Dynamic social development in social, economic and technological terms requires changes within police organizations while key stakeholders attitudes on organizational changes are important.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The aim of this research paper is to explore attitudes of various stakeholders in the police organization on different aspects of organizational change.
Methodology/Design: Qualitative methodology was used through interviews with three different focus groups in the police in Croatia. After collecting the original statements, the text was processed through the coding process in a way that through the interpretation of individual parts of the text, patterns of beliefs and opinions of respondents on individual issues were identified.
Research/paper limitations: Research limitation relates to the fact that only three focus groups are included in the survey, while there are also perspectives of other specific stakeholders within the police system that are not included in the survey.
Results/Findings: The results confirm the high degree of agreement of the respondents on the need for organizational changes that should eliminate the biggest weaknesses of the Croatian police in the field of human resources management, administrative burden reduction, integration and improvement of business processes.
General conclusion: In general, the research confirms the importance of change management for the success of organizational reforms and through most of the thematic sections in different ways emphasizes employees and their potential as a key component to which the reorganization should rely.
Research/paper validity: With new insights, this research has a whole range of practical implications and can serve as a strategic framework in planning future organizational changes in the police.

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