Reason for writing and research problem(s): The illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs remains to be one of the most prevailing and profitable activities of organized criminal groups in Bosnia and Herzegovina [BiH]. BiH is mainly a country of transit or final destination of narcotics drugs, while organized criminal groups operating in the country are interlinked to organized criminal groups from the ‘Balkan route’, with the regional ties in neighbouring countries.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): This study provides an overview of criminal justice systems’ response to drug trafficking in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Methodology/ Design: Data on drug trafficking in BiH will be presented through the quantitative statistical analysis of the criminal justice systems’ response to the phenomenon. Therefore, the method of secondary data analysis (official statistics and the case law) on drug related crime will be used.
Research/ Paper limitation: The study limitations relates to the use of official data. Analysis has shown that the very basic information on drug related organized criminal groups can be collected from administrative sources.
Results/ Findings: The findings suggest that drug trafficking in BiH is a criminal activity with cross-border elements, predominantly committed by unemployed, uneducated, married men with children. They rarely use violence, corruption or services of experts.

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