In this article author discusses the notion of social capital thru civic associations as elements of civil society. Spaces of freedom achievement are taking place in the sphere of primordial dualisms. Experience of private freedoms includes skillfulness and ability of leading argument in the sphere of public freedom. Segmented forms of freedom in private life become models for public forms of freedom. Thru the forms of arguments most of civic association in the base of it had a strategy of demonization of restraint. In that way the ton of democracy was introduces and private freedom was institutionalized as a public freedom. Performing privacy became an essence of freedom and active participant in the forming of public freedom. During recent history it has been noticed that a number of associations and organizations developed from the definition of a privatized freedom.
Essentially most of associations attempted, as they do today, to reduce complexity and unpredictibileness. Of environmental states on predictable dimensions in which it is possible to function in accordance with given ideas of associations. Cultural analysis of civic societies emphasize that they presented a form of escape from culture to subculture and vice versa, after conquered and recognized freedom, as they strengthened dominant culture

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