Concept that providing and maintaning of overall internal security is in responsibility of the state, egodine function of the state police is established in XVII, XVIII, and XIX century, and has also marked first half of the XX century. Second half, and particulary the end of the XX and beginning of the XXI century are marked with process of restructuring of the police. In that process emerged several subjects that define their security needs (auspecies of security) and search for the agents to meet those needs (providers). Its a kind of multilateralisation so that many subjects become resopnsible for security and prevention and repression of crime. It is obvious that governennent, egodine public police cannot he irresponsible for overall security situation in society, and in that context prevention of crime. So, state police has to build adequate relations with other non-state subjects of policingodine Although on the begining of that process countries in transition have to be prepared, to learn comparative expiriences and built up proper strategies.

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