One of the key dimensions of the security is the crisis management. If one does not count the United States of America, which enriched the “theory of crisis” with new paradigms and application standards, in other countries, regions and transnational alliances, crisis management did not reach theoretical and pragmatic level, which would guarantee respectable, successful and independent from the USA, development of this more and more needed and expressed security form.
The author researches the causes of this unsustainable state and pledges for new theoretical approach that would, first of all, observe and think of the crisis management in the South-Eastern Europe.
This needs the production of the new security argot, which would, on the level of the lexical system, put the crisis management as modem and postmodern phenomenon of security, in different co-relation with the production of stability as another important element of the new security form that the author stands for. This new security form can get its practical expression in building the system of security of the South-Eastern Europe, as regional version of the defense and security policy of the European Union. But, in order to get the result from this positivistic approach to the crisis management, it first has to get strong theoretical rests based on, not only the author's demand for the new language of security, but also demand for deconstruction of the so far existing security forms. This deconstruction will enable construction of the new paradigm that could be best “covered" by introducing the synthetic expression security turn.

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