Rise of terrorism, in the international context, its intensity and multiple forms that include specific crises and threats to national safety of states and the entire international community have placed the world before great challenges and temptations. By this we would not want to overestimate this social evil of the modem civilization. On the contrary, our efforts are motivated by the need of a realistic and substantiated study of the above phenomena.
It is the reason for which the study of relevant causes of terrorism and all of its forms cannot be limited to specific states or regions, but the problem must be studied at the level of the entire international community, through permanent cooperation of states and their institutional scfety-intelligence, policing and other mechanisms, but also through the cooperation of the research institutions that could contribute substantially to prevention of and protection from this safety threat.
A particular escalation of terrorism has been registered tn 1970s and 1980s and it culminated at the beginning of the 21st century in both the national and international context, involving all the consequences for stability and development of states and international community.
A new approach is now necessary to shaping and planing general strategy for prevention and efficient undermining of terrorist activities.
All the weak points of legislation are outlined here, and malfunctions of the organizational, professionally-operational, material and technical features of the safety services, especially in light of concrete activities and future actions on defying terrorism.

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