Function of police as one of the basic state agencies is today certainly everywhere important and delicate. It is about agency which it's reason of existence find in the protection of human rights, which is ensured by the modem, democratic and legal state («rule of law») with all it's attributes. However, it's very well known that states which are already decades democratic and legal are confronting with phenomenons that police agency pass the limit which separates protection of freedom from violation of freedom. The difficulties and temptations which that problem takes along are certainly more expressive in such countries that are at the beginning of the construction of political conscience, democratic rules and mechanism established by foundamental principle of the constitutionality and legality of freedoms and rights of the human and citizen with effective measures for their implementation and protection. Exactly from that reason the significance of the establishment of democratic and legal state which aims to protect effective equality for all people and their elementary rights and freedoms is enormous, during which is determinig the real place of police in democratic society.

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