Human rights is a subject that attracts attention of all lawyers of contemporary and democratic society. That subject is given attention on international as well as national plan. Of course that our country Bosnia and Herzegovina is not exception. Human rights are topic of all, people on the street in informal gatherings, politicians in promotional meetings, nongovernmental organisations, scientists...Theree is an ongoing dicussion on rights of women, children, young, workers, pensioners, etc. We attempted to give discussion about person who suffered damages in criminal proceedings and his or her rights. Why? First of all, when we speak of human rights and application of European convention of human rights in criminal proceedings, academics have in mind one who committed violent acts and the need to protect his or her rights.
However, this work gives an overview of person who suffered damages in criminal proceeding through history, from the ancient communities up to the UN declaration of basic principles of justice for victims of crime and misuse of power.

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