Dear Reader,
The Journal of Criminal Justice Issues (JCJI) fo-cuses on critical issues in contemporary criminal justice and offers a cogent, thorough, and timely exploration of several topics, such as organised transnational crime, sex trafficking, environ-mental crime, social disorder etc. This is our sec-ond English language-edition, edited by Elmedin Muratbegović (Associated professor, Faculty of Criminal Justice and Security Studies). As the second number of the new series, Journal of Criminal Justice Issues is the first Bosnian Jour-nal in the field of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Security to be published in the English lan-guage. Though most of the articles share a mod-ern perspective on criminal justice, the authors represent a diversity of interests and backgrounds and offer an authoritative, balanced examination of a variety of critical issues in criminal justice, criminology and security studies.
Sarajevo, March 2013

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