

Dear Reader,

The journal, that stands before you, as the first number of the new series Journal of Criminal Justice Issues, is a first Bosnian Journal in the field of Criminology, Criminal Justice and Secu-rity in English language. The Journal of Criminal Justice Issues intended to fill the present need for the dissemination of new information, ideas and methods, to both practitioners and acad-emicians in the area of Criminal Justice and Security. The Journal of Criminal Justice Issues is a peer-reviewed open access journal focusing on the contemporary issues in Criminology, Criminal Justice, Victimology and Criminalistics. It is the official journal of the Faculty of Crimi-nal Justice and Security- University of Sarajevo. The Journal is concerned with all aspects of the criminal justice system in terms of their relationships to each other. This journal would act as a focal point for critical research, at a time when critical academic work is becoming increasingly subjugated to mainstream approaches. Journal would have, as a secondary aim, the opportunity of raising the profile of the Bosnian criminological perspectives among academics, practitioners, and activ-ists. Articles that reflect the application of new disciplines or analytical methodolo-gies to the problems of criminology, security study and criminal justice are of spe-cial interest. We would hope to see an increased interest in the Criminal Justice field through the publication of this journal.

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