Key Preconditions for Synchronization of the Work of the Security Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina


security community
metode prikupljanja podataka
information society
security system
politcal and legal system
the plurality of versions
mental reconstruction
police sigurnosna zajednica
sigurnosni sistem
politički i pravni sistem
mnoštvo verzija
mentalna rekonstrukcija

How to Cite

Kovačević, Z. (2013). Key Preconditions for Synchronization of the Work of the Security Community of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Kriminalističke Teme, (3-4), 88-106. Retrieved from


Security community of BiH implies the protection of national unity, internal stability of the legal and political system and society in whole. Such a level of protection is being achieved by timely detection and elimination of relevant existing or forthcoming phenomena and processes, which can negatively affect the security of the state itself. Otherwise, endangering the safety is, as a rule, organized and conspiratorial, i.e. secretive or covert (disguised), and it is committed by individuals, groups of individuals, organizations and institutions that directly organize or carry out intelligence or subversive activities in the country or abroad.

The aim of this paper is following: comprehension of the place, role and task of the state security system within the state administration, specifically exploring the actual factors and processes that endanger national security i.e. the security of the state and its citizens; gaining awareness of the complexity, sources and forms of threats; and closer consideration of the essence, content, organization and functioning of the BiH security community system as necessary for the
synchronization of work.

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