Legal Unauthorized Use of Armed Forces in Relations Between States


Armed force
Illegality of war
Briand-Kellogg pact
Charther of UN
Intervention oružana sila
zabrana rata
Briand-Kelloggov pakt
Povelja UN

How to Cite

Softić, S. (2010). Legal Unauthorized Use of Armed Forces in Relations Between States. Kriminalističke Teme, (1-2), 43-67. Retrieved from


This article deals with use of force in relation bitween States that is oposite to international law. The Conteporary international law forbids use of force in relations between States. In this wey we have renouced from earlier concept that elowed recource to war as it was in the interest of a State. The Covenant of the League of Nations consisted provisions thad costrained weiging of war, but aggression was outlawed just by the Brian—Kellogg pact. General use of force was priscribed by The Charter of United Nations and aggression was defined by Resolution of UN 1974. This prohibitions relate to armed intervention to. This article searched, analised and compared for all relevant international documents and tichings relevant publicist that deals with prohibition of war. It confermed that aggression is forbieden. Definition of aggression makes easier to Security Council to define concret situation and to take over neccessery measures.

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