Reason for writing and research problem(s): Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country in transition, seeks to achieve its strategic goals, namely membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and the European Union (EU). The method of accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has a specific, clearly defined procedure. Accession to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is technically through participation in the Political-Military Partnership for Peace program, the Planning and Review Process, the Individual Partnership Program, the Individual Partnership Action Plan, the Membership Action Plan and the Concept of Operational Capabilities and Evaluation and Feedback. Defense reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina is based on the principle of collective security. The process of defense reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina involves the creation of professional Armed Forces, which requires organizational, material, procedural and other compliance to be used jointly with NATO and NATO / PfP forces in different conditions to carry out missions and tasks.
Aims of the paper ( scientific and/or social): The aim of the paper is to get acquainted with the complementary mechanisms by which the cooperation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina takes place.
Methodology/Design: The study analyzed the cooperation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as the advantages of joining Bosnia and Herzegovina to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Given that this is a theoretical study, a review of the available literature on cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina has been made through the use of general scientific methods, primarily descriptive method, to fulfill basic methodological approaches. In considering the available literature on cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina, no specific data collection methods were used.
Research/Paper limitation: The study outlines the advantages of Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, and the positive views of Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The limitations of this research are related to the lack of negative views on Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. For the sake of further research, it is also useful to cite the negative views of Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Bosnia and Herzegovina would have military, political, economic, social but also numerous security implications by joining the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, such as: achieving certain but not absolute guarantees of collective defense; increased ability to influence regional and security issues; increased exposure to security risks arising from international security engagement; demanding operations that will include complex challenges and a range of negative impacts on the development of the defense system of Bosnia and Herzegovina. However, these limitations do not diminish the results of the research and pose a challenge for further research, which would certainly be complemented by all the negative views of Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Results/Findings: The North Atlantic Treaty Organization sets partnership goals in cooperation with the Ministry of Defense of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which Bosnia and Herzegovina must meet during this period. The accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a very complex process, in which it is necessary to implement institutional and legislative reforms in the fields of defense, security and economy. In the past, Bosnia and Herzegovina has done a great deal in the defense reform process, the implementation of which has been greatly assisted by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Achieving full membership of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization for Bosnia and Herzegovina would mean joining a group of democratic states. This would advance the promotion of peace, security and stability of the country. This would further strengthen Bosnia and Herzegovina reputation on the international stage. The accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization represents an opportunity for any conflict as well as crisis situations to be suppressed and resolved through democratic rather than military means. With the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Bosnia and Herzegovina would join the countries of the region. In doing so, it would substantially strengthen its geopolitical position as well as its defense capabilities and would be able to make equal decisions within the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
General Conclusion: The cooperation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina depends on the extent to which Bosnia and Herzegovina is prepared to strengthen democracy and the reform processes of the defense system in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Defense reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the political and military program of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization were the right choice for Bosnia and Herzegovina. In addition to defining what Bosnia and Herzegovina needs to do in order to become a credible candidate for membership of the Partnership for Peace, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has simultaneously assisted Bosnia and Herzegovina efforts to achieve its goal. Bosnia and Herzegovina has benefited from the methodology of the political-military program.
Research/Paper Validity: The results of the study of cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina should justify both the scientific and social importance of this work. Regarding the contribution of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to Bosnia and Herzegovina, it should be borne in mind that the contribution to the justification of the research is up-to-date, given that the Reform Program of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is not fundamentally different from the Annual National Plan, was sent to Brussels Headquarters (ANP) prepared by any country wishing to become a member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. The submission of the document of the Reform Program of Bosnia and Herzegovina will continue the partnership and cooperation of Bosnia and Herzegovina with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Bosnia and Herzegovina has completed the Individual Partnership Action Plan. The theoretical explanation of the cooperation between the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and Bosnia and Herzegovina allows us to better understand how much has been done in the field of Bosnia and Herzegovina entry into the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and how much Bosnia and Herzegovina is really ready to enter the most powerful alliance in the world.

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