Reason (s) for writing and research problem (s): Necessity of improving the prevention of privacy protection on the Internet and violation of the right to privacy and legal re-gulation of the same.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): To raise awareness of the consequences and rights of those whose right to privacy has been violated, as well as the effective determination of the severity of the violations committed.
Methodology/Design: Review of existing literature. Review of internet sources. Review of the case law.
Research/ paper limitations: Do not exist.
Results/ Findings: Courts in BiH in procedures of violation of the right to privacy do not have sufficient experience yet, and there is no case law or the ability of the Supreme Court to align differences in the judgments of lower courts.
General conclusion: With the rapid development of modern computer technologies through the abuse of computers, moral law is being violated more and more, thereby violating someone's reputation.
Research/paper validity: The paper found that computer crime as a major negative so-cial phenomenon increasingly leads to violation of the right to privacy and that the injured parties do not show sufficient interest in non-property forms of reparation, and that the same should certainly be changed.

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