Reason(s) for writing and research problem(s): The lack of research on drone attacks in the West Balkans, but also within the European Union, has influenced our decision to conduct case study analysis of drone incidents occurring in the world, but also in our surrounding, in order to think how to prevent those in our own "backyard". Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): This article intends to present significant security and operational information on drone attacks from cases detected in various surroundings.
Methodology/Design: Methodology used in the paper includes case studies of drone attacks in certain countries, in order to evaluate these incidents from security and operational aspects.
Research/paper limitations: Limitations refer to possible unregistered activities in the form of new modus operandi of perpetrators involving drone attacks.
Results/Findings: The findings presented in this paper show a cross-section of attack vectors and modus operandi used by perpetrators, as well as vulnerabilities found at targeted institutions and objects. Those findings are to be considered for future prevention of perpetrators activities.
General conclusion: There is a real need to improve and modernize general security measures related to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles. This article points to such necessity at several different levels and aspects through the analysis of attack vectors, modus operandi, and the weaknesses of the attacked targets.
Research/paper validity: Findings presented in this article can be used to direct future research in this field, in order to strengthen and develop various measures to combat existing and persistent threats posed by drones.

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