Reason for writing and research problem(s): The participation of Albanian fighters in the Syria conflict and alignment of these fighters alongside terrorist organizations, such as ISIS has undoubtedly escalated the conflict, by worsening considerably the international security. The ugly crimes committed by them in the territories of Syria have shocked the entire world. The terrorist attacks in Paris, Ankara, Brussels and finally in Istanbul make us realize that every time more and more is coming to question the national and world security. The issue of terrorism is not just a national problem because we all are witness of the time that terrorism has now gone beyond the size of a state problem and has become a global problem. Therefore, in spite of this many European countries are analysing the shortcomings of preventative work against violent extremism and radicalism and are drafting strategies and action plans for a long-term treatment of this phenomenon. Kosova as a new state is progressing on the path towards EU membership by addressing the challenges of developing and strengthening the rule of law, as well as contributing to increased regional cooperation in accordance with European values. In Kosova religious harmony has been and remains one of the most important values of the society where members of the Muslim, Catholic, Orthodox, and other religious communities have lived together in peace throughout history. Recently, especially with rise and development of the Syria conflict, the public debate in Kosova also included concepts such as religious radicalism and violent extremism, and are evidenced cases of participation of Alba- nian citizens in this conflict.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): Treatment of this topic is done in the scientific and social aspect. In the scientific aspect are treated factors that influence the spread of the tekferist ideology and its way of spreading it. Since this distructive phenomenon is concern of Kosova society, there is a need to deal even in the social aspect in order to make Kosovar society and beyond to be aware with this phenome- non. Kosovar society has become witness of painful scenes in the cases of killing Kosova citizens in the Syrian conflict and is faced with a very critical attitude of the families of the dead as for religious institutions as well as for state institutions.
Treatment of this topic requires great attention and there is a need to find adequate methods to come to the scientific findings. The methods with which this problem is to be explored are; Method of inductive, deductive analysis, synthesis, specialization, generalization, apstoxone, concretization, descriptive, classification, and comparative methods. For this research we have foreseen three main hypotheses about the issue of destructive religious ideologies in Kosova.
- Why tekferistik ideology has reached to extend its influence after 2000 and which are the factors which directly affect the indoctrination of this ideology.
- What is the contribution of state institutions including the Islamic community in preventing and fighting this ideology in Kosova.
- Which category of Kosovar society has fallen prey to the influence of the tekferistik ideology and how well are socialized with the district where this category lives.
Research/Paper limitation: The research of this topic is limited to some issues that are initially related to the institution’s strategy for combating this phenomenon, The manner of spreading the tekferistik ideology, then the category or stratum of society that falls prey of this ideology, and the main factors that directly affect the spread of this ideology
Results/Findings: After the proper research, these results are expected:
- To find the determinant factors that influences the deviation of Islamic belief in Kosova;
- To be known how much influence have the preachers of religion in mosques and how their lectures are controlled by the Islamic community in Kosova.
- To conclude exactly whether there is an increase in the number of indoctrinators, or there is a fall in number and if there is a fall in number, then it should be verified what has affected the decline of the indoctrinated.
- Based on made findings, to be proposed measures that must be undertaken from the family and responsible security institutions;
General conclusion: Kosova after 2000 began to be faced with ideologies which until before this time were not recognized from citizens. After the end of war in Kosova, multiple humanitarian organizations from many different countries of the world, including Arabian countries have help Kosova with various aids. But in this period extreme religious organizations from different countries have managed that with their ideology to influence at a large number of believers in Kosova. This was noticed from state bodies, by including those central ones, religious communities, civil society etc. Now more and more efforts are being made to preserve the values of coexistence, tolerance and respect, so Kosovar society is not only protecting the present coexistence and harmony from any minor violation, but it has priority over the priorities of maintaining religious harmony and strengthening it for a sustainable coexistence with other religious communities. Though there is a drop in recruitment by the Albanian community to include in the Syrian conflict, nevertheless the work of law enforcement bodies are taking all measures to prevent and prosecute the organizers in this regard. The Islamic community as an institution is very careful with its approach in order not to leave space to certain groups or individuals to influence the spread of destructive ideologies. Programs for the de-radicalization of identified individuals are being formalized and followed with priority by state structures in charge, in partnership with all stake- holders needed to guarantee their success. Religious communities and civil society are playing an important role in the development of these programs. The extent of these programs has been studied and well planned with the aim of de-radicalization the convicted persons. Since radicalization syndrome has affected the countries of the region, it is required regional cooperation for the design and follow-up of de-radicalism programs, and in particular with Albania and Macedonia. Given the importance of peace and tolerance in Kosova, and the role that religious institutions can have in building the peace, the Islamic Community of Kosova, its institutions and imams have been consistently engaged with their teachings and preachings to convey divine messages, that call for peace, love, understanding, respect for the other, and first of all in forgiveness and understanding.
Research/Paper Validity: The reasonableness of the research on this topic is related to some of the questions that have been asked:
- Which are causes of spread of the tekferist ideology?
- Which stratum of society is most affected from the tekferist ideology?
- How much is engaged the Islamic Community and imams with their preachings against the estreme ideology?

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