The use of physical and psychological tests as an instrument to determine human potentials and resources in the police, enables us to define the level of the necessary skills and abilities. Some other methods that are used to determine the level of the necessary physical and psychological characteristics can be the basis for the improvement of already existing human potentials and resources. Since there is no exact research to evaluate physical and psychological abilities in order
to select human potentials and resources, hypothetical model is being used. It consists of physical abilities related to strength, speed, coordination, balance, precision and endurance. When it comes to psychological assessments in police officer selection, the diversity of assessment methods allows for an examination of a variety of psychological characteristics, and consequently the identification of candidates with undesirable and those with desirable characteristics, but also those who are most suitable for the police job. Since each of the psychological measures either measures different characteristics or has certain methodological advantages and disadvantages compared to another, similar measure, a more complete assessment in police officer selection would require an astr. lication of a wide variety of different types of assessment, which is why its chief constraints are related to time and funding.

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