Reason for writing and research problem(s): In order to make a difference between terrorists and non-therorists, it is necessary to explore a set of psychological, socio-economic, physical and / or racial characteristics that differ from each other. Namely, the question arises, how does a terrorist look, what is his personality, and under what circumstances does he live and work?
Aims of the paper: The aim of this paper is to try and answer the question of whether there is a unique psychological profile of terrorists and point out the individual, group and social characteristics that could influence the formation of a personality of the terrorist.
Methodology: This paper analyzes sociodemographic characteristics of terrorists in accordance with the same or similar research in this field.
Research/Paper Limitation: Many methodological difficulties and inconsistencies in the research have led to controversies when it comes to profiling terrorists, that said, all information from existing terrorist profiles should be used and interpreted with great caution.
Results / General Conclusion: There is so much to be understood about the thinking and behavior of terrorists and terrorist organizations, partly because terrorists are very difficult to interview, and the confusion about the very definition of terrorism and terrorist terms.
Conclusion: Conclusions of the conducted considerations on the psychological profile of terrorists are mostly contradictory. According to most authors, terrorists do not differ from netheroris to personality or mental health.
Research / Paper Validity: The justification of the work lies in the fact that it is very important to consider whether there is a unique profile of terrorists in order to adapt certain preventive measures.

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