Reasons for writing and research problem: The paper resulted in the research that will be disseminated to stakeholders and raise awareness regarding recent changes in Trafficking in Person (TIP) trends in Kosovo since the closing of the border along the Western Balkan migration route and be able to develop their own interventions according to the new highlighted trends.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): This paper is based on desk review of BH TIP capacities in available key documents and current researches and qualitative survey conducted through interviews using qualitative questionnaire developed by authors of this paper. An online search was performed for all available documents related to trafficking in people.
Metholodogy / Design: Key informants were selected, according to the areas of their expertise. Those were experts from following agencies/organizations: National coordinator’s office for the fight against trafficking in human beings, Prosecutors’ office of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Service for Foreigners, NGO IFS EMMAUS, and Immigration Centre. Key informants were asked to talk about their respective roles in counter TIP activities, about their perception of the established counter human trafficking system, indicators of human trafficking and link with mixed migration flows, to list examples of good practices and barriers for better identification of victims and potential victims of trafficking.
Research /paper limitation: Limitations of this paper are based on the number of the interviewed key informants and duration of the interviews. More comprehensive and objective findings would be created from interviews with more key informants and preparation time for key informants (key informants were not provided with the questionnaire before the interview).
Results / Findings: Significant percentage of migrants and refugees transiting may be vulnerable to potential exploitation and abuse along the route. That being said, to date, only few victims have been identified among migrants and refugees in Kosovo.
General conclusion: Given the findings of the paper, the following actions should receive particular attention so as to further improve the fight against human trafficking in the country:
Research / paper validity: The results should allow a critical analysis of the needs and gaps to be addressed in order to offer appropriate support to professionals from different fields and disciplines in improving the quality of Counter Trafficking in Person (TIP) trends in Kosovo.

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