The inspiration for the paper and the problem(s) that the paper addresses: The necessity of improving the identification of firearms on the bases of the traces on the cartridge cases fired from firearms.
The goals of the paper (scientific and/or social): The aim of this paper is to point out the importance of "Traces of the ammunition frame", the level of identification during the expertise of the shell casings, as well as providing the necessary repeatability of this type of traces. Also, the goal of the paper is to present to ballistics experts information and experiences on the traces that occur during the drawing-ejection of the cartridge cases after the firing from the pistol “Makarov” cal. 9 x 18 mm. We called these traces “Magazine Marks”, which contain very pronounced individual characteristics. The above mentioned marks (among other marks on the cartridge cases: Firing pin marks, breechface marks, ejector marks, extractor marks on the head of the cartridge cases, etc.) will help ballistics experts to draw the final conclusion on the identification of shells, i.e. firearms from which they were fired, especially in cases where some of these listed marks do not have prominent individual characteristics.
Methodology/Design: In this paper, an analysis of the occurrence of the mentioned mark, its uniqueness, the repetition, the position of the mark in relation to other marks and possibilities related to the identification of the mentioned mark, i.e. of a part of the gun from which the mark arises, both individually and identification of firearms wholly. The methods used in this research are the analysis of the origin of the said trace, its uniqueness, repetition, its position in relation to other traces and the possibilities related to the identification of the said trace, ie the weapon from which it originates, both separately and the identification of firearms as a whole, a comparative method, as well as statistical methods for processing empirical data.
Research/the paper limitations: Limitations of this study, possibly, may result from the unavailability of all pistol models cal. 19 x 18 mm (9 mm Makarov).
Results/findings: Magazine marks have not accidentally occurred, which are repeated on all cartridge cases, which are fired from pistols and models „Makarov“. Marks do not depend on the manufacturers of ammunition, they contain both general and individual characteri-stics, which are reproduced on all cartridge cases fired from the tested pistols and models. The research was conducted on a sample of 41 pistols from which a total of 147 bullets were fired. In the analyzed sample, in 100% of cases, the experts gave positive opinions. In the analyzed sample, in all ie. in 100% of examined and compared shells traces appear and repeat.
General conclusion: In the analyzed samples, individual characteri-stics were observed on the shell casings, on the basis of which a positive identification of the firearm can be performed. The afore mentioned marks, among other marks on the cartridge cases: firing pin marks, breechface marks, ejector marks, extractor marks on the head of the cartridge cases, etc.) will help ballistics experts to draw the final conclusion on the identification of cartridge cases, i.e. firearms from which they were fired, especially in cases where some of these listed marks do not have prominent individual characteristics.
Research/the paper justifiability: The justification of the paper lies in the fact that it represents an original scientific work (based on original empirical research covering a period of seventeen (17) years), which as such is a useful source of information for experts dealing with ballistic expertise.

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