Reason for writing and research problem(s): Extracurricular activity of children and youth is a new quality in the contemplation of school development. Its primary objective is to contribute to the educational function of school and connect it with the social environment. Extracurricular activities develop the students’ independence, interests, freedom of expression, organized and cultural leisure. Today, the modern school can not be imagined without a developed system of students’ extracurricular activities. Extracurricular activity is a specific type of organization and performance of educational content in heterogeneous areas of human activity. The involvement of children and young people in organized and pedagogically guided sports activities, outside of teaching and outside of school activities, contribute to the organized use of children and youth free time. Also, it contribute their versatile building personalities in the co- gnitive, affective and psycho-motor area.
Aims of the paper (scientific and/or social): The aim of this paper is the impact of sporting activities on various forms of juvenile delinquency, as a result of internal and external factors that lead to the emergence of socially unacceptable behavior.
Methodology/Design: For the purposes of this paper we analyzed the attitudes and opinions of secondary schools students in the Sarajevo Canton. The total sample consisted of 250 students of 5 secondary schools in the Sarajevo Canton.
Research/Paper limitation: Organization of extracurricular activities attracted the attention of many researchers, mostly pedagogues, but also those from the fields of medicine, psychology, and even kinesiology. Considering that availability of research on the impacts of sport as the organization model for children and young people free time, and its influence, and prevention of socially unacceptable behavior is very scarce or even nonexistent, for the purpose of writing this work we were able to consult only a few previous studies that point to general organizational issues of free time, that children prefer during the time that remains to them after school, including family and other obligations during the day.
Results/Findings: Based on the analysis, we have found that sport as an extracurricular activity may be an instrumentality of early prevention of socially unacceptable behavior, in a way that organized sports activities can be used to improve relations between children and youth, and their relation to society and the environment.
General Conclusion: The respect of society norms and values is crucial for the progress of the community. Sport as an extracurricular activity for children and young people can certainly help with that, considering the fact that every sport contains rules that need to be respected. Therefore, compliance with the rules of the sport will contribute to the respect of rules in society. Young people involved in sports, can meet other young people with similar attitudes, which will contribute to better socialization in the society. Meeting people which share the same attitudes and thinking, will affect young people, primary in the context of positively thinking and respecting social values and norms.
Research/Paper Validity: In this paper we will try to offer some solutions in order to solve problems of socially unacceptable behavior of children and youth, as well as the problem of juvenile delinquency, with emphasis on sports and sports activities. Applied value of this paper lies in the fact that it can be used for further research on the same, or similar, subject.

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