Driver escape (with a vehicle or just a driver's) from the place of the traffic criminal act is proper form of indiscipline of drivers in traffic on the rood and evidently is breaking provisions of the Law of traffic security on the roads. In determined cases it could bee a criminal act, for exp. Article 337. of Penal code of Federa tion of Bosnia and Herzegovina (offering no help to person injured in traffic accident). By the methods ofcrime investigation point of view work on solving cases of runaway drivers (with motor vehicle or without it) in cases of traffic accidents, is, expertly viewed, very demanding action of police forces assigned in the field of road traffic security. Errors in handling are frequently far - reaching and not rarely unfixable. Methods of solving the traffic criminal acts witch are including runaway driver with a motor vehicle for their bases should have, crime scene investigation. In solving every traffic criminal act are appearing a whole complex very different acknowledgeable problems, because theirs processing need to bee executed multidisciplinary by the traffic - technical, a traffic - medic, a court - medic, criminalistics - trace logical, a traffic - psychological, a court - psychological, lawfid and similar aspects.

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